swift - NSRangeException,原因 : 'Attempted to scroll the table view to an out-of-bounds...'

标签 swift uitableview nsrangeexception

有一个 UITableView,我用 ChatMessage 对象填充,我保存在一个字典中,该字典按发送日期分组,如下所示 var groupedMessages = [Date : [ChatMessage]]()我还在 var keys = [Date]() 中保留 key

还有insertRows下面的作品并按预期将消息添加为新的 UITableViewCell 并在正确的位置。

但是,该应用程序在 scrollToRow 处崩溃。调用错误 NSRangeException, reason: 'Attempted to scroll the table view to an out-of-bounds row (2) when there are only 2 rows in section 1.

    @IBAction func sendMessage(_ sender: Any) {

            // create new ChatMessage object
            var newMessage = ChatMessage()
            let now = Date()
            newMessage.tsp = now
            newMessage.message = self.MessageTextField.text
            newMessage.sender = Globals.shared.user

            // append to grouped messages
            var path = IndexPath(row: self.groupedMessages[self.keys.last!]!.count-1, section: self.keys.count-1)
            print("PATH: ", path)
            self.MessageList.insertRows(at: [path], with: .fade)
            print("PATH 2: ", path)
            self.MessageList.scrollToRow(at: path, at: .bottom, animated: true)

            // call api to store sent message



就我而言,我忘记了 添加委托(delegate)和数据源的 TableView 。添加后,我的代码开始工作。

关于swift - NSRangeException,原因 : 'Attempted to scroll the table view to an out-of-bounds...' ,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59826208/


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