node.js - Sequelize : instance. get 不是函数(升级后)

标签 node.js typescript sequelize.js

在 Sequelize 3.x.x 版上,应用程序运行完美,没有任何问题。我尝试将其更新到版本 4.x.x 并修复了所有编译问题。但是,在某些情况下会抛出 Sequelize 错误,例如 instance.getGroup is not a function 。但是,IDE 确实允许我预先填充实例上的方法,但是在自动完成后,它会将其填充为 instance.getGroup

export interface IAccountInstance extends Sequelize.Instance<IAccountAttributes>, IAccountAttributes {
      * Gets all the Team objects associated with this instance.
     getGroup: Sequelize.BelongsToManyGetAssociationsMixin<IGroupInstance>;

如何调用 getGroups:当 GraphQL 请求存在于 groups 对象上的 account 属性时,它将使用 instance.getGroup() 解析(这是它在 v4 上中断的地方,以及许多其他像这样完成的方法)
groups: {
            type: new GraphQL.GraphQLList(SchemaRegistrar.schemaMap.groups.graphqlSchema),
            resolve: (instance: IAccountInstance, args: any, context: any): any => {
                   if (!instance) {
                         return null;
                   return instance.getGroup();
 }, ,我知道有重大变化,但我很幸运。

const schemaModel: Sequelize.Model<any, any> = ServerGlobals.sequelize.define(
        schemaDef.tableName, schemaDef.sequelizeSchema, {
            instanceMethods: {
                schemaName: schemaDef.schemaName
            freezeTableName: true

Sequelize 提到这已经改变了(这是我的代码中需要更新的内容?...)
const Model = sequelize.define('Model', {
}, {
    classMethods: {
        associate: function (model) {...}
    instanceMethods: {
        someMethod: function () { ...}

const Model = sequelize.define('Model', {

// Class Method
Model.associate = function (models) {
    ...associate the models

// Instance Method
Model.prototype.someMethod = function () {..}

但是 Model.associate 对我不起作用,我不确定如何让它与我的设置一起工作......


更新 1
堆栈跟踪中的确切错误是 error: instance.getGroup is not a function TypeError: instance.getGroup is not a function
        this._sortedSchemas, (schema: AbstractSchemaDefinition<any, any>) =>
createSequelizeRelationships 是一个不返回任何内容的函数,但具有与另一个表的关系属性,例如:
        as: groups,
        foreignKey: accountId


所以这将是我拥有的新 Sequelize 项目中一个简单对象的典型设置......我花了一段时间才让关联起作用

这将在一个名为 loc_countries.js 的文件中,并在第二个片段的代码中导入

module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
  const Country = sequelize.define('loc_countries', {
    id: {
      type: DataTypes.BIGINT,
      allowNull: false,
      primaryKey: true,
      autoIncrement: true,
    name: {
      type: DataTypes.STRING,
      allowNull: true,
    abbr2: {
      type: DataTypes.STRING,
      allowNull: true,
    abbr3: {
      type: DataTypes.STRING,
      allowNull: true,
  }, {
    freezeTableName: true,
    timestamps: false,
    tableName: 'loc_countries',

  Country.associate = function (models) {
    models.Country.hasMany(models.ProvinceState, { as: 'ProvStates', foreignKey: 'loc_countries_id' });

  return Country;

然后在我的 index.js 中,我通过您描述的 forEach 运行关联。
const models = {
  Country: sequelize.import('./loc_countries'),
  ProvinceState: sequelize.import('./loc_state_prov'),
  City: sequelize.import('./loc_inc_places'),  

Object.keys(models).forEach((modelName) => {
  if ('associate' in models[modelName]) {
    // console.log(models[modelName]);

关于node.js - Sequelize : instance. get 不是函数(升级后),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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