sequelize.js - Sequelize 数据库模型作为(函数 [匿名])回归

标签 sequelize.js sequelize-cli

我一直在尝试从我的 Sequelize 数据库模型 Accounts 和 Dogs 中做一个 findall 路线:

            where: {
            include: [db.Dogs]
        }).then((dbAdminAcc) => res.json(dbAdminAcc));

因此,在 index.js 中为模型文件夹做了一些控制台日志后,我发现所有模型在控制台中都显示为“模型是 [函数(匿名)]”,对于所有三个模型。这使我根本无法访问数据。
}).forEach((file) => {
      console.log('The file is', file)
      console.log(path.join(__dirname, file))
        const model = require(path.join(__dirname, file));
        console.log('Model is', model) // This is showing a function (anonymous instead of a name like Accounts)
        db[] = model;

    Object.keys(db).forEach((modelName) => {
      console.log('DB with modelname:', (db[modelName]))
        if(db[modelName].associate) {

我查看了 Dogs 和 Accounts 模型中的语法是否正确,以查看是否缺少返回,但两个模型似乎都设置正确:

module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
    const Dogs = sequelize.define('Dogs', {
        dog_name: {
            type: DataTypes.STRING,
            allowNull: false,
            validate: {
                len: [2,15],
        breed: {
            type: DataTypes.STRING,
            allowNull: false,
            validate: {
                len: [2,15],
        age: {
            type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
            allowNull: false,
            validate: {
                len: [2,35],
            isNumeric: true,
            isInt: true,
        food_requirements: {
            type: DataTypes.STRING,
            allowNull: false,
            validate: {
                len: [2,200],
        friendliness: {
            type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
            allowNull: false,
            validate: {
                len: [1,5],
            isNumeric: true,
            isInt: true,

    Dogs.associate = (models) => {
        // a Dogs must belong inside the Admin Account
        // Dogs cannot be created without a petId (username) 
        Dogs.belongsTo(models.Accounts, {
            foreignKey: {
                allowNull: false,
    return Dogs;   

const bcrypt = require("bcryptjs");

module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
    const Accounts = sequelize.define('Accounts', {
      username: {
        type: DataTypes.STRING,
        allowNull: false,
        unique: true,
        validate: {
          isUserName: true
      // The password cannot be null
      password: {
        type: DataTypes.STRING,
        allowNull: false
      //this true or false 
      admin: {
        type: DataTypes.BOOLEAN,
        defaultValue: false,
    Accounts.associate = (models) => {
      Accounts.hasMany(models.Dogs, {
          onDelete: 'cascade'

  Accounts.prototype.validPassword = function(password) {
    return bcrypt.compareSync(password, this.password);
  Accounts.addHook("beforeCreate", function(accounts) {
    Accounts.password = bcrypt.hashSync(accounts.password, bcrypt.genSaltSync(10), null);
  return Accounts;



您应该使用 Sequelize import 函数注册模型,而不是仅仅使用 require 导入它们:

var model = sequelize['import'](path.join(models, file))
db[] = model
UPD:自 v6 以来,此 import 方法已被弃用。使用@Abhishek 在他的评论中指出的方法。
看看我的回答 here

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