javascript - 使用 Sequelize 模型 Sequelize Op.notIn

标签 javascript mysql node.js sequelize.js

你好,我有一个 mysql 查询,它在 sequelize.query 中工作正常,查询是

select list_name from lists l where l.list_id not in
(SELECT sub.list_id from list_sub_activities sub left join.
 Activities a on a.list_act_id = sub.list_act_id where a.agency_id = 2)

我想使用 Sequelize 模型做同样的事情,我已经尝试过,但我想我错过了一些东西。
包列表 ---> 列出

  attributes: ['list_name'],
  where: {
    list_id: {
      [Op.notIn]: [List_sub_Activities.findAll({
        attributes: ['list_id'],
        include: {
          model: Activities,
          required: false,
          where: {
            agency_id: 2

}).then((response) => {



findAll()(和其他查询方法)是异步的,因此您需要先解析 promise(或使用回调)来解析值,然后才能将 list_id s 传递给 Op.notIn 。它还将返回一个具有 list_id 属性的对象数组,因此您需要将其映射到一个整数数组,然后才能使用它。您还可以传入 raw: true,这样它就不会从您的结果中生成 Sequelize 实例,而是返回普通的 javascript 对象——这比创建对象只是为了获取单个属性更有效。
通过在 required: false include 上设置 Activities,您将返回所有 List_sub_Activities 而不会对它们进行过滤(有些在您的结果中将为空)。这可能不是您想要的。
为了清楚起见,此示例使用 async/await 而不是 thenables 。请注意,这是 而不是 最有效,因为它需要多个数据库查询,理想的解决方案是使用 LEFT JOIN 然后删除 package.list_id IS NULL 所在的项目(参见第二个示例)。

// get an array of Activities with the list_id set
const activities = await List_sub_Activities.findAll({
  attributes: ['list_id'],
  include: {
    model: Activities,
    // don't use required: false to only return results where List_sub_Activities.Activities is not null
    // required: false,
    where: {
      agency_id: 2,
  raw: true,

// map the property to an array of just the IDs
const activityIds = => activity.list_id);

// now you can pass the activityIds to Op.notIn
const packages = await List_of_Packages.findAll({
  attributes: ['list_name'],
  where: {
    list_id: {
      [Op.notIn]: activityIds,
.then((activities) => => activity.list_id))
.then((activityIds) => List_of_Packages.findAll(...))
.then((packages) => {
此示例将 List_of_PackagesList_sub_Activities LEFT JOINs 连接到 Activities,其中 WHERE 将 agency_id 设置为 2,然后仅返回 List_of_Packages 的结果,其中 List_sub_Activities.list_idNULL(LEFT JOIN 上没有匹配的内容)。这应该在单个查询中返回与上述相同的结果。
// Get List_of_Packages where there is no match in List_sub_Activities after 
// it is joined to Activities with the agency_id set.
const agencyId = 2;
const packages = await List_of_Packages.findAll({
  attributes: ['list_name'],
  include: {
    model: List_sub_Activities,
    // we don't need to actually fetch the list_id
    attributes: [],
    include: {
      model: Activities,
      where: {
        agency_id: agencyId,
    // uses a LEFT JOIN
    required: false,
  // only return results where the List_sub_Activities.list_id is null
  where: sequelize.where(sequelize.col('List_sub_Activities.list_id'), 'IS', null),

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