postgresql - Sequelize - 使用嵌套实体的条件搜索查询

标签 postgresql sequelize.js

我正在使用 Sequelize 和 Posgresql。我也在使用 sequelize-typescript

我有一个模型 Compte 像:

export class Compte extends Model<Compte> {

    @ForeignKey(() => CompteRevision)
    derniereRevisionId: number;

    @BelongsTo(() => CompteRevision, 'derniereRevisionId')
    public derniereRevision: CompteRevision;

    public email: string;

和 CompteRevision 像:
export class CompteRevision extends Model<CompteRevision> {

    public compteId: number;

    public nom: string;

    public prenom: string;

我正在尝试发出搜索请求(基于字符串 searchText),以检索以下帐户:
  • 是 ILIKE : "%"+ searchText + "%"
  • Compte.derniereRevision.nom 是 ILIKE : "%"+ searchText + "%"
  • Compte.derniereRevision.prenom 是 ILIKE : "%"+ searchText + "%"

  • 在查看了许多关于 SO 的答案后,我尝试这样做:
    public async search(searchText: string): Promise<Array<Compte>> {
            return Compte.findAll({
                where: {
                    email: { [Server.sequelize.Op.iLike]: "%" + searchText + "%" }
                include: [{  
                    model: CompteRevision, where: {
                        nom: { [Server.sequelize.Op.iLike]: "%" + searchText + "%" },
                        prenom: { [Server.sequelize.Op.iLike]: "%" + searchText + "%" }

    但我不确定 include 子句是否在做我想要的。实际上,这个方法总是返回一个空数组。有人知道如何通过检查 CompteRevision 等嵌套实体的条件来执行此类查找请求吗?


    干得好 :

    return Compte.findAll({
        where: {
            $or : [
                { email: { $iLike : "%" + searchText + "%" } },
                { '$derniereRevision.nom$' : { $iLike : "%" + searchText + "%" }, }, // <--- Magic is here
                { '$derniereRevision.prenom$' : { $iLike : "%" + searchText + "%" } } // <--- Magic is here
        include: [{  
            model: CompteRevision

    NOTES :

    $CompteRevision.nom$ , $table_name.column$ syntax is to query on included table , without $$ sequelize will not consider as table name with column. Change this CompteRevision with your table name

    When you do query inside include model , it will make inner join with included table , to make it left join you can use required:false, but its not the case that you need here

    Instead of using Server.sequelize.Op.iLike long syntax , you can use short operators $iLike , read more

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