带有 *ngFor ARIA 标签的 Angular Material mat-option 在 Lighthouse 失败

标签 angular drop-down-menu angular-material wai-aria


 <mat-select formControlName="tag" aria-label="Select a Tag">
  <mat-option *ngFor="let tag of tags"
            {{tag | translate}}

此代码实际上在 处失败灯塔审计报告原因如下:

Elements with an ARIA [role] that require children to contain a specific [role] are missing some or all of those required children

有没有人设法解决这样的问题?我很想看到一些解决方案或技巧来避免 Lighthouse 失败。



正如@CrisBelto 所说

This is working as expected and accessibility checking tools haven't been updated to account for the new pattern. See the discussion after #20082 (comment).

关于带有 *ngFor ARIA 标签的 Angular Material mat-option 在 Lighthouse 失败,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61302490/


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