javascript - typescript :使用联合类型映射对象值无法按预期工作

标签 javascript typescript


type ObjectOf<T> = { [k: string]: T };

type MapObj<Obj extends ObjectOf<any>> = {
  [K in keyof Obj]: Obj[K] extends string ? Obj[K] : 'not string';

type Foo = MapObj<{
  a: 'string',
  b: 123,
}>; // Foo is { a: 'string', b: 'not string' }
但是,当我将联合作为对象值时,TS 不会按预期工作:
type AllPaths = '/user' | '/post';

type Props<Path extends AllPaths> = MapObj<{
  path: Path,

function Fn<Path extends AllPaths>({ path }: Props<Path>) {
  const path2: AllPaths = path;
Type 'Path extends string ? Path : "not string"' is not assignable to type 'AllPaths'.
  Type 'Path | "not string"' is not assignable to type 'AllPaths'.
    Type '"not string"' is not assignable to type 'AllPaths'.
      Type 'Path extends string ? Path : "not string"' is not assignable to type '"/post"'.
        Type 'Path | "not string"' is not assignable to type '"/post"'.
          Type 'string & Path' is not assignable to type '"/post"'.
由于联合的每个成员都是字符串,我预计 MapObj 的输出保持字符串的联合。我怎样才能解决这个问题?


我认为问题是即使你声明 type Props<Path extends AllPaths> = MapObj<{ path: Path, }>;像这样,它将只包含值 '/user' | '/post' ,但这种知识可能无法被 typescript 静态类型检查识别,因为它的类型是 MapObj<{ path: Path, }>这只是一个 js 对象的 MapObj。
所以只需使用 as Path妥协

function Fn<Path extends AllPaths>({ path }: Props<Path>) {
  const path2: AllPaths = path as Path;
或者像这样为 PathObj 声明一个类型:
type AllPaths = '/user' | '/post';
type AllPathObj = {
  path: AllPaths,

type Props<PathObj extends AllPathObj> = MapObj<AllPathObj>;

function Fn<PathObj extends AllPathObj>({ path }: Props<PathObj>) {
  const path2: AllPaths = path;

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