vb.net - "Error: Operator ' & ' is not defined for types ' 字符串 ' and ' System.Windows.Forms.TextBox '."

标签 vb.net

我得到一个错误,如 保存 更新 中的按钮.CommandText

"Error: Operator '&' is not defined for types 'String' and 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'."

我不知道 SAVE 和 UPDATE 按钮的错误是什么。

Private Sub BtnSave_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtnSave.Click
        With cm
            .Connection = cn
            .CommandText = "insert into [edit$]values('" & TxtId.Text & "','" & TxtFamilyname.Text & "','" & TxtGivenname.Text & "','" & TxtGender.Text & "','" & TxtDob.Text & "','" & TxtExamdate.Text & "','" & TxtExamtime.Text & "','" & TxtStreet.Text & "','" & TxtHouse.Text & "','" & TxtPlz.Text & "','" & TxtCity & "' )"
        End With
        FillDataGridView("select * from [edit$]")
    Catch ex As Exception
        MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, Text)
    End Try
    MsgBox("succefully Saved!", MsgBoxStyle.Information, Text)
End Sub

Private Sub BtnUpdate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Btnupdate.Click
        With cm
            .Connection = cn
            .CommandText = "Update [edit$] set [Family Name] = '" & TxtFamilyname.Text & "' where id ='" & TxtId.Text & "' and Given Name = '" & TxtGivenname.Text & "'and Gender = '" & TxtGender.Text & "'and DOB = '" & TxtDob.Text & "'and Exam Date'" & TxtExamdate.Text & "'and Exam Time = '" & TxtExamtime.Text & "'and Street Name = '" & TxtStreet.Text & "'and House Nr = '" & TxtHouse.Text & "'and PLZ = '" & TxtPlz.Text & "'and CITY = '" & TxtCity & "'"
        End With
        FillDataGridView("select * from [edit$]")
    Catch ex As Exception
        MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Information, Text)
    End Try
    MsgBox("Succesfully updated!", MsgBoxStyle.Information, Text)
End Sub



您没有调用 Text - 每次使用 TextBox 值时的属性。


"'and CITY = '" & TxtCity & "'"

"'and CITY = '" & TxtCity.Text & "'"

关于vb.net - "Error: Operator ' & ' is not defined for types ' 字符串 ' and ' System.Windows.Forms.TextBox '.",我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29941382/


MySqlDataAdapter.update() 不使用 DataRelation 更新 DataRow

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