
标签 r date organization longitudinal reorganize

如果我有一个数据集,其中包含在不同时间点收集的相同度量的分数,我如何组织这些日期/时间,以便它们代表某个日期之后的时间点?这是否可以在 R 中执行,或者我在另一个程序中执行此操作会更容易吗?

id  date        score1_date score1  score2_date score2  score3_date score3
101 1/6/2020    1/1/2020    20      1/8/2020    18      1/15/2020   16
102 2/27/2020   2/14/2020   16      2/21/2020   16      2/28/2020   10
103 1/10/2020   1/7/2020    30      1/14/2020   25      1/21/2020   20
104 3/5/2020    3/6/2020    40      3/13/2020   42      3/20/2020   40
我想找到与 [date] 最接近的 [score#_date] 并将其标识为 [time1],然后将其后的所有内容作为 [time2]、[time3] 等。
structure(list(id = c(101, 102, 103, 104), date = structure(c(18267, 
18319, 18271, 18326), class = "Date"), score1_date = structure(c(18262, 
18306, 18268, 18327), class = "Date"), score1 = c(20, 16, 30, 
40), score2_date = structure(c(18269, 18313, 18275, 18334), class = "Date"), 
    score2 = c(18, 16, 25, 42), score3_date = structure(c(18276, 
    18320, 18282, 18341), class = "Date"), score3 = c(16, 10, 
    20, 40)), row.names = c(NA, -4L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", 
id  date        time1_date  time1_score time2_date  time2_score time3_date  time3_score
101 1/6/2020    1/8/2020    18          1/15/2020   16          NA          NA
102 2/27/2020   2/28/2020   10          NA          NA          NA          NA
103 1/10/2020   1/7/2020    30          1/14/2020   25          1/21/2020   20
104 3/5/2020    3/6/2020    40          3/13/2020   42          3/20/2020   40


使用 tidyverse您可以执行的功能:


df %>%
  #Rename date column to base_date
  rename(base_date = date) %>%
  #Rename score1, score2 etc to score1_value, score2_value etc
  rename_with(~paste0(., '_value'), matches('^score\\d+$')) %>%
  #get the data in long format with date and value as two columns
  pivot_longer(cols = starts_with('score'), 
               names_to = c('score', '.value'), 
               names_sep = '_') %>%
  group_by(id) %>%
  #Keep only those date where the date is greater than closest date
  filter(date >= date[which.min(abs(date  - base_date))]) %>%
  #Arrange the data
  arrange(id, date) %>%
  #Create new column name
  mutate(score = paste0('time', row_number())) %>%
  ungroup %>%
  #Get the data in wide format
  pivot_wider(names_from = score, values_from = c(date, value)) %>%
  #Arrange the columns
  select(id, base_date, order(suppressWarnings(readr::parse_number(names(.)))))

#    id base_date  date_time1 value_time1 date_time2 value_time2 date_time3 value_time3
#  <dbl> <date>     <date>           <dbl> <date>           <dbl> <date>           <dbl>
#1   101 2020-01-06 2020-01-08          18 2020-01-15          16 NA                  NA
#2   102 2020-02-27 2020-02-28          10 NA                  NA NA                  NA
#3   103 2020-01-10 2020-01-07          30 2020-01-14          25 2020-01-21          20
#4   104 2020-03-05 2020-03-06          40 2020-03-13          42 2020-03-20          40

关于根据R中的日期变量重新组织多个变量,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66978277/


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