c# - CloudTableClient 单元测试

标签 c# unit-testing moq azure-table-storage

如何为依赖于 Azure 表存储的类编写单元测试,即 Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Table.CloudTableClient ?

我发现了这个 GitHub 问题,Azure Storage is still hard to unit test / mock ,但除了现在的方法之外我没有找到任何线索 virtual .
MyService依赖于 CloudTableClient并在内部获得对 CloudTable 的引用查询表。在我的示例中,我正在按分区和行键进行简单的查找:

public MyService(CloudTableClient tableClient
            , ILogger<MyService> logger) { }

public async Task<MyMapping> GetMappingAsync(string rowKey)
    var table = GetTable();
    var retrieveOp = TableOperation.Retrieve<MyMapping>("MyPartitionKey", rowKey);
    var tableResult = await table.ExecuteAsync(retrieveOp);
    return tableResult.Result as MyMapping;

private CloudTable GetTable()
    return tableClient.GetTableReference("FakeTable");


  • CloudTable 创建模拟
  • 覆盖 ExecuteAsync行为来自 Setup
  • CloudTableClient 创建模拟
  • 覆盖 GetTableReference返回 CloudTable 的行为模拟通过 Setup

  • using Moq;
    using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Table;
    using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

    public void InitTest()
        var cloudTableMock = new Mock<CloudTable>(new Uri("http://unittests.localhost.com/FakeTable")
            , (TableClientConfiguration)null);  //apparently Moq doesn't support default parameters 
                                                //so have to pass null here
        //control what happens when ExecuteAsync is called
        cloudTableMock.Setup(table => table.ExecuteAsync(It.IsAny<TableOperation>()))
            .ReturnsAsync(new TableResult());
        var cloudTableClientMock = new Mock<CloudTableClient>(new Uri("http://localhost")
            , new StorageCredentials(accountName: "blah", keyValue: "blah")
            , (TableClientConfiguration)null);  //apparently Moq doesn't support default parameters 
                                                //so have to pass null here
        //control what happens when GetTableReference is called
        cloudTableClientMock.Setup(client => client.GetTableReference(It.IsAny<string>()))
        var logger = Mock.Of<ILogger<MyService>>();
        myService = new MyService(cloudTableClientMock.Object, logger);

    public async Task HelloWorldShouldReturnANullResult()
        var blah = "hello world";
        var result = await myService.GetMappingAsync(blah);

    关于c# - CloudTableClient 单元测试,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58957600/


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