json - 如何创建 Avro 架构?

标签 json apache avro

我想知道这个 json 文档的 Avro 模式是什么样的。

  "_id": {
    "$oid" : "54d148b471eb130b1e8b4567"
  "nome": "Marco Correia",
  "tweet": "This and a simple tweet",
  "datahora": "Tue Feb 03 22:15:54 +0000 2015"
  "type" : "record",
  "name" : "twitter_schema",
  "namespace" : "com.miguno.avro",
  "fields" : [
        "name" : "_id", "type": "array","items": "bytes"

    { "name" : "nome","type" : "string","doc" : "Name of the user account on Twitter.com" },
    { "name" : "tweet", "type" : "string","doc" : "The content of the user's Twitter message" },
    { "name" : "datahora", "type" : "string","doc" : "Unix epoch time in seconds"}

  "doc:" : "A basic schema for storing Twitter messages"



    "type" : "record",
    "name" : "twitter_schema",
    "namespace" : "com.miguno.avro",
    "fields" : [

        {"name": "_id", "type":
                "type" : "record", "name" : "Id", "namespace" : "com.miguno.avro",
                "fields" : [
                    { "name" : "oid","type" : "string"}
        { "name" : "nome","type" : "string","doc" : "Name of the user account on Twitter.com" },
        { "name" : "tweet", "type" : "string","doc" : "The content of the user's Twitter message" },
        { "name" : "datahora", "type" : "string","doc" : "Unix epoch time in seconds"}


关于json - 如何创建 Avro 架构?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28802063/


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