c# - PropertyChangedEventManager : AddHandler vs AddListener

标签 c# wpf events inotifypropertychanged

如前所述 here , PropertyChangedEventManager类(class)

Provides a WeakEventManager implementation so that you can use the "weak event listener" pattern to attach listeners for the PropertyChanged event.

void AddHandler (INotifyPropertyChanged source, EventHandler<PropertyChangedEventArgs> handler, string propertyName)
void AddListener (INotifyPropertyChanged source, IWeakEventListener listener, string propertyName)

private void AddListener(INotifyPropertyChanged source, string propertyName, IWeakEventListener listener, EventHandler<PropertyChangedEventArgs> handler)


我需要使用强事件处理程序(即 source.PropertyChange += handler; )更改一些代码以遵循弱模式。使用 AddHandler 这很简单方法。有什么理由更喜欢AddListener (这需要我实现 IWeakEventListener )?



只是 .Net 4.5 的一个特性,它可以简化您的代码以应对常见情况。
在 .Net4.5 之前只有:
  • Book - Introducing .NET 4.5 :

  • ... it is no longer necessary to create custom WeakEventManager or implement IWeakEventListener...

  • Blog post - Weak event pattern improvements :

  • In WPF 4.5 RC, weak event pattern is improved. In addition to listeners, WeakEventManagers also support Handlers. The handlers are defined like event handlers but our classes don't need to implement a particular interface. Plus since there are no hard references maintained, there are no possible memory leaks.

    根据我的经验,这些解决方案并不是万无一失的,如果您或您的团队中的某个人使用 lambda 表达式作为处理程序,您仍然可能会出现内存泄漏。
    使用 lambda 表达式时,编译器生成匿名类作为目标(新生成的类包装 lambda 表达式)。
    GC 会立即收集对此类的弱引用。
    这里是 Thomas Levesque explanation :

    Special case: anonymous method handlers If you're subscribing to the event with an anonymous method (e.g. a lambda expression), make sure to keep a reference to the handler, otherwise it will be collected too soon...

    p.s 我最终使用了与 Thomas Levesque 类似的方法解决方案,并保护团队免于向 lambda 注册,我检查(通过反射)每个处理程序是否是匿名方法。如果是,我会抛出异常 - 所以开发人员立即知道这是 Not Acceptable ,并更改他们的代码。

    关于c# - PropertyChangedEventManager : AddHandler vs AddListener,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52092516/


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