libreoffice - 如何删除最后一页

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我有包含两页的文档。起初我从页面的顶部到底部有表格。第二页由单个不可打印的段落字符组成。我不能删除那个字符。我只想只有一页表格。有可能吗?我在最后一个表格单元格中尝试了 Ctrl+Shift+Del,但它不起作用。软件版本:



根据 this blog post :

Problem: open office text document with tables ends up with a blank page at the end of the document if the last table fills the previous page. Why? A new line character refuses to be deleted on that last blank page.

Bug #254655

In OpenOffice writer it seems that tables insist on being followed by a new line. This means that you cannot get rid of new line characters between tables. It also means that you cannot get rid of a new line character when it follows a table at the end of a document.

This latter case can mean that you need to reduce the size of the bottom page margin just to make sure then new line character doesn’t get printed on a new page.

What ought to happen is that there should be no new line of text after a table unless you actually want one.


不是错误。 (严重地?)

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