c - 如果fclose()失败,文件描述符是否仍然打开?

标签 c posix fclose


void *thread_worker(void *q) {
 for (;;) {
  int fd = some_queue_get(q);
  FILE *writer = fdopen(fd, "w");
  if (!writer) { perror("fdopen"; close(fd); continue; }
  // do something with writer

  if (fclose(writer) == EOF) {
   perror("fclose writer");
   // should fd be closed here?
  • 如果在刷新失败时未通过fclose关闭fd,则会泄漏fds而不会进行其他关闭。
  • 如果fd由fclose关闭,则额外的关闭可能会关闭由另一个线程新打开的文件描述符。
  • 最佳答案

    man fclose也不提供我系统上的答案,但是man 3p fclose揭示了official version from the POSIX Programmer's manual,它在此问题上更加全面:

    The fclose() function shall perform the equivalent of a close() on the file descriptor that is associated with the stream pointed to by stream.

    关于c - 如果fclose()失败,文件描述符是否仍然打开?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66048264/


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