amazon-web-services - S3静态网站/蓝绿部署

标签 amazon-web-services amazon-s3 amazon-cloudfront blue-green-deployment

我很难为我的 s3 静态网站提供蓝绿色。我在给定的存储桶中发布了该网站的一个版本,并在以下位置公开:

  • Cloudfront 发行版
  • 然后在 53 号公路
  • 和另一个 CDN(公司,解析 DNS)以访问互联网。

  • 我尝试了一些“计算”解决方案,比如 ALB,但我没有成功。

    我遇到的困难的主要问题是,当我使用新地址更新 CloudFront 时,DNS 复制时间很长,这使得将 future 版本回滚到旧版本变得困难(考虑为此发布使用不同的存储桶)。



    AWS 建议您为每个创建不同的 CloudFront 分配
    蓝/绿变体,每个都有自己的 DNS。
    来自 Hosting Static Websites on AWS规范性指导:

    Different CloudFront distributions can point to the same Amazon S3 bucket so there is no need to have multiple S3 buckets. Each variation [A/B or blue/green] would store its assets under different folders in the same S3 bucket. Configure the CloudFront behaviors to point to the respective Amazon S3 folders for each A/B or blue/green variation.

    The other key part of this strategy is an Amazon Route 53 feature called weighted routing. Weighted routing allows you to associate multiple resources with a single DNS name and dynamically resolve DNS based on their relative assigned weights. So if you want to split your traffic 70/30 for an A/B test, set the relative weights to be 70 and 30. For blue/green deployments, an automation script can call the Amazon Route 53 API to gradually shift the relative weights from blue to green after automated tests validate that the green version is healthy.

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