android - Jetpack Compose 中的作用域状态

标签 android android-viewmodel android-navigation android-jetpack-compose

使用 Compose,可以通过以下方式实现“每屏幕状态”:

NavHost(navController, startDestination = startRoute) {
    composable(route) {
       val perScreenViewModel = viewModel()  // This will be different from
    composable(route) {
       val perScreenViewModel = viewModel()  // this instance
val appStateViewModel = viewModel()
NavHost(navController, startDestination = startRoute) {
但是“作用域状态”呢?我们如何在 Compose 中实现它?


这正是navigation graph scoped view models用于。

  • 寻找 NavBackStackEntry与要将 ViewModel 范围限定为的图形相关联
  • 把它传给 viewModel() .

  • 对于第 1 部分),您有两个选择。如果您知道导航图的路线(通常您应该知道),您可以使用 getBackStackEntry直接地:
    // Note that you must always use remember with getBackStackEntry
    // as this ensures that the graph is always available, even while
    // your destination is animated out after a popBackStack()
    val navigationGraphEntry = remember {
    val navigationGraphScopedViewModel = viewModel(navigationGraphEntry)
    但是,如果您想要更通用的东西,您可以使用目标本身中的信息检索返回堆栈条目 - 它的 parent :
    fun NavBackStackEntry.rememberParentEntry(): NavBackStackEntry {
      // First, get the parent of the current destination
      // This always exists since every destination in your graph has a parent
      val parentId = navBackStackEntry.destination.parent!!.id
      // Now get the NavBackStackEntry associated with the parent
      // making sure to remember it
      return remember {
    val parentEntry = it.rememberParentEntry()
    val navigationGraphScopedViewModel = viewModel(parentEntry)
    parent当您使用 nested navigation 时,目的地将等于简单导航图的根图,父级是图形的中间层之一:
    NavHost(navController, startDestination = startRoute) {
      navigation(startDestination = nestedStartRoute, route = nestedRoute) {
        composable(route) {
          // This instance will be the same
          val parentViewModel: YourViewModel = viewModel(it.rememberParentEntry())
        composable(route) {
          // As this instance
          val parentViewModel: YourViewModel = viewModel(it.rememberParentEntry())
      navigation(startDestination = nestedStartRoute, route = secondNestedRoute) {
        composable(route) {
            // But this instance is different
          val parentViewModel: YourViewModel = viewModel(it.rememberParentEntry())
      composable(route) {
         // This is also different (the parent is the root graph)
         // but the root graph has the same scope as the whole NavHost
         // so this isn't particularly helpful
         val parentViewModel: YourViewModel = viewModel(it.rememberParentEntry())

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