list - AssertJ:containsOnly和containsExactlyInAnyOrder有什么区别

标签 list unit-testing junit assert assertj


Verifies that the actual group contains only the given values and nothing else, in any order.


Verifies that the actual group contains exactly the given values and nothing else, in any order.




  • containsOnly始终与敏感区重复:如果期望/实际值集与
  • 相匹配,它永远不会失败
  • containsExactlyInAnyOrder始终重复敏感:如果期望/实际元素的数量不同
  • 则失败

  • 实际集合
  • 中至少缺少一个预期的唯一值
  • 并非断言实际集合中的每个唯一值

  • 参见示例:

    private List<String> withDuplicates;
    private List<String> noDuplicates;
    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        withDuplicates = asList("Entryway", "Underhalls", "The Gauntlet", "Underhalls", "Entryway");
        noDuplicates = asList("Entryway", "Underhalls", "The Gauntlet");
    public void exactMatches_SUCCESS() throws Exception {
        // successes because these 4 cases are exact matches (bored cases)
        assertThat(withDuplicates).containsOnly("Entryway", "The Gauntlet", "Underhalls", "Entryway", "Underhalls"); // 1
        assertThat(withDuplicates).containsExactlyInAnyOrder("Entryway", "The Gauntlet", "Underhalls", "Entryway", "Underhalls"); // 2
        assertThat(noDuplicates).containsOnly("Entryway", "The Gauntlet", "Underhalls"); // 3
        assertThat(noDuplicates).containsExactlyInAnyOrder("Entryway", "The Gauntlet", "Underhalls"); // 4
    public void duplicatesAreIgnored_SUCCESS() throws Exception {
        // successes because actual withDuplicates contains only 3 UNIQUE values
        assertThat(withDuplicates).containsOnly("Entryway", "The Gauntlet", "Underhalls"); // 5
        // successes because actual noDuplicates contains ANY of 5 expected values
        assertThat(noDuplicates).containsOnly("Entryway", "The Gauntlet", "Underhalls", "Entryway", "Underhalls"); // 6
    public void duplicatesCauseFailure_FAIL() throws Exception {
        SoftAssertions.assertSoftly(softly -> {
            // fails because ["Underhalls", "Entryway"] are UNEXPECTED in actual withDuplicates collection
            softly.assertThat(withDuplicates).containsExactlyInAnyOrder("Entryway", "The Gauntlet", "Underhalls"); // 7
            // fails because ["Entryway", "Underhalls"] are MISSING in actual noDuplicates collection
            softly.assertThat(noDuplicates).containsExactlyInAnyOrder("Entryway", "The Gauntlet", "Underhalls", "Entryway", "Underhalls"); // 8

    关于list - AssertJ:containsOnly和containsExactlyInAnyOrder有什么区别,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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