stripe-payments - 提供的 key 无权访问 strip 中的帐户

标签 stripe-payments

这是我收到错误的 strip 代码

The provided key does not have access to account in stripe

$withfee = \Stripe\Charge::create(
    "amount" => 10000,//1000, //$amount amount in cents
    "currency" => "usd",
    "source" => "tok_1BGovzDnnXvdHsSaayDkULRU",//'tok_18L6hjL6useUrEYbtObKz15s', 
    "description" => "Example charge",//"Example charge", //$title
    "application_fee" => 1000 // amount in cents //$fees
  array("stripe_account" => "cus_Be21HSwLO1XMhF" ) // $acc_token 


您正在 "cus_..." 中传递客户 ID ( stripe_account ) field 。

processing a charge with Connect ,您需要提供代表您处理费用的帐户的 ID ( "acct_..." )。 Customers是支付来源(即提供资金),而 accounts是付款目的地(即他们收到资金)。

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