scala - 无法覆盖具有非 volatile 上限的类型

标签 scala types type-bounds volatility non-volatile


trait Abstract {
  type MyType
trait AInner
trait A extends Abstract{
  type MyType <: AInner
trait BInner {
  def bMethod : Int
trait B extends Abstract with A{
  override type MyType <: BInner with A#MyType
我要在此处实现的目的(在trait B中)是进一步限制在MyType中声明的Abstract类型,因此MyType类型的任何值都必须扩展mixin树中的所有MyType
MyType类型是 volatile 类型;无法覆盖具有非 volatile 上限的类型。我了解,由于类型共轭with A#MyType,此处发生了类型易变性,这是错误的一部分:带有非 volatile 上限的类型可能引用了类型声明type MyType <: AInner,其中AInner不是抽象类型,因此不是易 volatile 的。




diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
index 37a7e3c..78a8959 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
@@ -5128,8 +5128,7 @@ trait Typers extends Adaptations with Tags {

       def typedSelectFromTypeTree(tree: SelectFromTypeTree) = {
         val qual1 = typedType(tree.qualifier, mode)
-        if (qual1.tpe.isVolatile) TypeSelectionFromVolatileTypeError(tree, qual1)
-        else typedSelect(tree, qual1,
+        typedSelect(tree, qual1,

       def typedTypeBoundsTree(tree: TypeBoundsTree) = {

scala> class A; class B extends A
defined class A
defined class B

scala> trait C {
     |   type U
     |   trait D { type T >: B <: A }
     |   val y: (D with U)#T = new B
     | }
defined trait C

scala> class D extends C {
     |   trait E
     |   trait F { type T = E }
     |   type U = F
     |   def frob(arg : E) : E = arg
     |   frob(y)
     | }
defined class D

scala> new D
java.lang.ClassCastException: B cannot be cast to D$E

scala> type A = { type T = Int }
defined type alias A

scala> type B = { type T = String }
defined type alias B

scala> "": (A with B)#T
res16: String = ""

scala> 0: (A with B)#T
<console>:37: error: type mismatch;
 found   : Int(0)
 required: String
              0: (A with B)#T

如果对Dependent Object Types (DOT)的研究取得成果,那么将来可能会改变。

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