python - 如何在 Pandas 中将日期列拆分为单独的日、月、年列

标签 python pandas datetime dataframe multiple-columns

我有数据集 df.head(4) :

               Dewptm   Fog  Humidity   Pressurem     Tempm      Wspdm  Rainfall
1996-11-01    11.666667 0.0  52.916667  -2659.666667  22.333333  2.466667   0
1996-11-02    10.458333 0.0  48.625000  1009.833333   22.916667  8.028571   0
1996-11-03    12.041667 0.0  55.958333  1010.500000   21.791667  4.804545   0
1996-11-04    10.222222 0.0  48.055556  1011.333333   22.722222  1.964706   0

这是 df.columns :
Index(['Dewptm', 'Fog', 'Humidity', 'Pressurem', 'Rain', 'Tempm', 'Wspdm',

如何将 datetime_utc 列拆分为年、月和日列?

df["day"] = df['datetime_utc'].map(lambda x:
df["month"] = df['datetime_utc'].map(lambda x: x.month)
df["year"] = df['datetime_utc'].map(lambda x: x.year)


KeyError: 'datetime_utc'

pd.concat([df.drop('datetime_utc', axis = 1), 
          .rename(columns={0:'year', 1:'month', 2:'day'}))], axis = 1)


KeyError: "['datetime_utc'] not found in axis" The problem I am facing is the column datetime_utc is the default index column in my dataset, Please suggest me an approach.


问题是 datetime_utc 在您的索引中而不是列中,因此您必须访问索引才能创建新列:

df['day'] =
df['month'] = df.index.month
df['year'] = df.index.year

                 Dewptm  Fog   Humidity    Pressurem      Tempm     Wspdm  \
1996-11-01    11.666667  0.0  52.916667 -2659.666667  22.333333  2.466667   
1996-11-02    10.458333  0.0  48.625000  1009.833333  22.916667  8.028571   
1996-11-03    12.041667  0.0  55.958333  1010.500000  21.791667  4.804545   
1996-11-04    10.222222  0.0  48.055556  1011.333333  22.722222  1.964706   

              Rainfall  day  month  year  
1996-11-01           0    1     11  1996  
1996-11-02           0    2     11  1996  
1996-11-03           0    3     11  1996  
1996-11-04           0    4     11  1996  
如果您想要 datetime_utc 作为列,您必须重置索引,然后您可以使用 访问日期时间方法,如下所示:
# Reset our index so datetime_utc becomes a column

# Create new columns
df['day'] = df['datetime_utc']
df['month'] = df['datetime_utc'].dt.month
df['year'] = df['datetime_utc'].dt.year

  datetime_utc     Dewptm  Fog   Humidity    Pressurem      Tempm     Wspdm  \
0   1996-11-01  11.666667  0.0  52.916667 -2659.666667  22.333333  2.466667   
1   1996-11-02  10.458333  0.0  48.625000  1009.833333  22.916667  8.028571   
2   1996-11-03  12.041667  0.0  55.958333  1010.500000  21.791667  4.804545   
3   1996-11-04  10.222222  0.0  48.055556  1011.333333  22.722222  1.964706   

   Rainfall  day  month  year  
0         0    1     11  1996  
1         0    2     11  1996  
2         0    3     11  1996  
3         0    4     11  1996  
注意 如果您的索引不在 datetime 类型中,请在尝试提取年月日之前使用以下内容:
df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index)

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