python - Python中的 `await`是否会屈服于事件循环?

标签 python python-3.x asynchronous async-await python-asyncio


await send_message(string)





有待证明:1)理论/文档; 2)实现代码; 3)示例。
PEP 492:具有asyncawait语法的协程

While the PEP is not tied to any specific Event Loop implementation, it is relevant only to the kind of coroutine that uses yield as a signal to the scheduler, indicating that the coroutine will be waiting until an event (such as IO) is completed. ...

[await] uses the yield from implementation [with an extra step of validating its argument.] ...

Any yield from chain of calls ends with a yield. This is a fundamental mechanism of how Futures are implemented. Since, internally, coroutines are a special kind of generators, every await is suspended by a yield somewhere down the chain of await calls (please refer to PEP 3156 for a detailed explanation). ...

Coroutines are based on generators internally, thus they share the implementation. Similarly to generator objects, coroutines have throw(), send() and close() methods. ...

The vision behind existing generator-based coroutines and this proposal is to make it easy for users to see where the code might be suspended.

它不仅是类比,在实现中(见下文),任务“进入”和“离开”协程的实际机制并不是异步世界的新事物,魔幻事物或独特事物,而仅仅是通过调用科罗的 <generator>.send() 方法。这是(据我所理解的文字)PEP 492背后的“愿景”的一部分:asyncawait不会提供任何新的代码暂停机制,而只是将异步糖放到Python已经广受欢迎的强大生成器上。

PEP 3156:“异步”模块

The loop.slow_callback_duration attribute controls the maximum execution time allowed between two yield points before a slow callback is reported [emphasis in original].

也就是说,从异步的角度来看,不间断的代码段被划分为两个连续的yield点(其值达到了运行的Task级别(通过await/yield from隧道)的值,而没有在其中使用)。

The scheduler has no public interface. You interact with it by using yield from future and yield from task.

异议:“那是'yield from',但是您试图争辩说该任务只能在yield本身上切换!yield fromyield是不同的东西,我的 friend ,而且yield from本身不会暂停代码!”
答:不是矛盾。 PEP表示您通过使用yield from future/task与调度程序进行交互。但是,正如上面在PEP 492中指出的那样,任何yield from(〜aka await)链最终都会到达yield(“底乌龟”)。特别是(请参阅下文),yield from future实际上在完成一些包装工作之后就将yield等同于相同的future,并且yield是实际的“转出点”,在该点上,另一项任务将接管。但是,将代码直接yield直到当前的Future直接对Task进行编码是不正确的,因为您将绕过必要的包装程序。
class Future:
    def __await__(self):
        if not self.done():
            self._asyncio_future_blocking = True
            yield self  # This tells Task to wait for completion.
        if not self.done():
            raise RuntimeError("await wasn't used with future")
        return self.result()  # May raise too.

    __iter__ = __await__  # make compatible with 'yield from'.
释义:yield self行是告诉正在运行的任务暂时搁置并让其他任务运行的过程,在self完成后的某个时间返回到这一行。asyncio世界中几乎所有可等待的对象都是Future周围的包装(多层包装)。事件循环对于所有更高级别的await awaitable表达式始终完全是盲目的,直到代码执行滴加到await futureyield from future,然后(如此处所示)调用yield self,然后生成的self被“捕获”了除以外的Task。当前协程堆栈正在运行,从而向任务发出信号以暂停。
yield self上下文中,上述“代码在await future内的asyncio处挂起”规则的唯一且唯一的异常(exception)是在yield中可能使用裸asyncio.sleep(0)。而且由于sleep函数是本文评论中的主题,因此让我们来看一下。
def __sleep0():
    """Skip one event loop run cycle.
    This is a private helper for 'asyncio.sleep()', used
    when the 'delay' is set to 0.  It uses a bare 'yield'
    expression (which Task.__step knows how to handle)
    instead of creating a Future object.

async def sleep(delay, result=None, *, loop=None):
    """Coroutine that completes after a given time (in seconds)."""
    if delay <= 0:
        await __sleep0()
        return result

    if loop is None:
        loop = events.get_running_loop()
        warnings.warn("The loop argument is deprecated since Python 3.8, "
                      "and scheduled for removal in Python 3.10.",
                      DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)

    future = loop.create_future()
    h = loop.call_later(delay,
                        future, result)
        return await future

(2)yield self就在await future之内。
asyncio/tasks.py中的关键行(对于我们而言)是当Task._step通过result = self._coro.send(None)运行其顶级协程并识别以下四种情况:
(1)result = None由coro(再次是生成器)生成:任务“放弃对一个事件循环迭代的控制”。
(2)result = future是在coro内生成的,进一步的魔术成员领域证据表明, future 是从Future.__iter__ == Future.__await__之外以适当的方式产生的:任务将控制权交给事件循环,直到将来完成。
import asyncio
import types

def task_print(s):
    print(f"{asyncio.current_task().get_name()}: {s}")

async def other_task(s):

class AwaitableCls:
    def __await__(self):
        task_print("    'Jumped straight into' another `await`; the act of `await awaitable` *itself* doesn't 'pause' anything")
        task_print("    We're back to our awaitable object because that other task completed")
        asyncio.create_task(other_task("The event loop gets control when `yield` points (from an iterable coroutine) propagate up to the `current_task` through a suitable chain of `await` or `yield from` statements"))

async def coro():
    task_print("  'Jumped straight into' coro; the `await` keyword itself does nothing to 'pause' the current_task")
    await AwaitableCls()
    task_print("  'Jumped straight back into' coro; we have another pending task, but leaving an `__await__` doesn't 'pause' the task any more than entering the `__await__` does")

def iterable_coro(context):
    task_print(f"`{context} iterable_coro`: pre-yield")
    yield None # None or a Future object are the only legitimate yields to the task in asyncio
    task_print(f"`{context} iterable_coro`: post-yield")

async def original_task():
    asyncio.create_task(other_task("Aha, but a (suitably unconsumed) *`yield`* DOES 'pause' the current_task allowing the event scheduler to `_wakeup` another task"))

    task_print("Original task")
    await coro()
    task_print("'Jumped straight out of' coro. Leaving a coro, as with leaving/entering any awaitable, doesn't give control to the event loop")
    res = await iterable_coro("await")
    assert res is None
    asyncio.create_task(other_task("This doesn't run until the very end because the generated None following the creation of this task is consumed by the `for` loop"))
    for y in iterable_coro("for y in"):
        task_print(f"But 'ordinary' `yield` points (those which are consumed by the `current_task` itself) behave as ordinary without relinquishing control at the async/task-level; `y={y}`")
    task_print("Done with original task")


Task-1: Original task

Task-1: 'Jumped straight into' coro; the await keyword itself does nothing to 'pause' the current_task

Task-1: 'Jumped straight into' another await; the act of await awaitable itself doesn't 'pause' anything

Task-2: Aha, but a (suitably unconsumed) yield DOES 'pause' the current_task allowing the event scheduler to _wakeup another task

Task-1: We're back to our awaitable object because that other task completed

Task-1: 'Jumped straight back into' coro; we have another pending task, but leaving an __await__ doesn't 'pause' the task any more than entering the __await__ does

Task-1: 'Jumped straight out of' coro. Leaving a coro, as with leaving/entering any awaitable, doesn't give control to the event loop

Task-1: await iterable_coro: pre-yield

Task-3: The event loop gets control when yield points (from an iterable coroutine) propagate up to the current_task through a suitable chain of await or yield from statements

Task-1: await iterable_coro: post-yield

Task-1: for y in iterable_coro: pre-yield

Task-1: But 'ordinary' yield points (those which are consumed by the current_task itself) behave as ordinary without relinquishing control at the async/task-level; y=None

Task-1: for y in iterable_coro: post-yield

Task-1: Done with original task

Task-4: This doesn't run until the very end because the generated None following the creation of this task is consumed by the for loop

import types # no asyncio, nor any other loop framework

async def f1():
    print(await f2(),'= await f2()')
    return 8

def f2():
    print((yield 3),'= yield 3')
    return 7

class F3:
   def __await__(self):
        print((yield 5),'= yield 5')
        return 11

task1 = f1()
task2 = F3().__await__()
""" You could say calls to send() represent our
   "manual task management" in this script.
print(task1.send(None), '= task1.send(None)')
print(task2.send(None), '= task2.send(None)')
    print(task1.send(6), 'try task1.send(6)')
except StopIteration as e:
    print(e.value, '= except task1.send(6)')
    print(task2.send(9), 'try task2.send(9)')
except StopIteration as e:
    print(e.value, '= except task2.send(9)')



3 = task1.send(None)


5 = task2.send(None)

6 = yield 3

7 = await f2()

8 = except task1.send(6)

9 = yield 5


11 = except task2.send(9)

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