popup - ionicpopup 内容中的换行符

标签 popup ionic-framework

ionicpopup 内容中是否可以有换行符?


                  title: 'Now what?',
                  content: "To start receiving messages: \n"
                           + "        - Open the side menu (button on top left) \n"
                           + "   - Tap 'Add Organisations' \n"
                           + "   - Browse the list of organisations available \n" 
                           + "or \n"
                           + "   - Enter a Passphrase to join a private group. \n \n"
                           + "Once you've subscribed to an organisation, you'll start receiving messages from them.",
                  buttons: [
                            { text: "Don't show me again" },
                              text: 'Okay',
                              type: 'button-positive'
                }).then(function(res) {
                  if(res) {
                        console.log('You are sure');
                  } else {
                    console.log('You are not sure');




是的,可以在 ionic 弹出内容中包含换行符。

替换 \n
标签,它的工作原理。 ionic 框架在执行该 javascript 后输出 HTML。它也适用于 html 字符串单引号字符串。

关于popup - ionicpopup 内容中的换行符,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24403017/


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