ios - 如何在任何操作系统攻击的情况下保护 iOS 应用程序(在越狱设备上)

标签 ios cocoa-touch jailbreak unauthorized

我想保护我的应用程序数据,以防越狱 iOS 设备受到任何操作系统攻击或未经授权的访问。在这种情况下,是否有任何方法可以检测此类威胁并保护应用数据。


虽然我同意 jrturton 所说的内容,但如果您有要保护的关键数据免受流氓应用程序(而非用户)的侵害,您可以尝试以下操作:

1) Detect if your app has launced on a jailbroken device. Close the app, delete sensitive data. Refer this this thread.

2)Use third party solutions like one from EnsureIT. They are somewhat helpful in saving critical data stored by an app, from a rogue user/app on a jailbroken device.

3) Try Obfuscating your code. More information on this link.

您还可以从 this 中的讨论中找到有用的内容线程

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