git - `git config interactive.diffFilter diff-highlight` : the same diff by lines - and without color

标签 git git-diff git-difftool

git config --global interactive.diffFilter diff-highlight我的 .gitconfig :

# This is Git's per-user configuration file.
    name = Vitaly Zdanevich
    email =
    excludesfile = /Users/vitaly/.gitignore_global
[filter "lfs"]
    clean = git-lfs clean -- %f
    smudge = git-lfs smudge --skip -- %f
    process = git-lfs filter-process --skip
    required = true
    tool = vimdiff
    context = 20
    prompt = false
    diffFilter = diff-highlight

但在 git commit -pgit add -p我逐行看到相同的差异 无色默认 :

git config interactive.diffFilter diff-highlight git diff without color

git -c interactive.diffFilter="git diff --color-words" add -p
fatal: mismatched output from interactive.diffFilter
hint: Your filter must maintain a one-to-one correspondence
hint: between its input and output lines.

我的 git 版本是 2.17.2 (Apple Git-113)macOS 10.14.1来自官方的命令行工具,我更喜欢简单而不是 Brew。


看起来像是用新的 git 版本 (2.26.2) 修复的

git diff-highlight

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