git filter-repo : can it be used on a specific branch?

标签 git git-filter-repo

我在读什么 git filter-repo可以做,因为我想用它做一个小实验....我有这个 repo,我只想从中获取一个目录的历史记录,比如说.... master..... 但我不想对主人工作。我想创建一个新分支,比如 filter-repo-test并让 git filter-repo单独在这个分支上运行它的魔法。我正在阅读手册,但没有看到仅指定给定分支的选项。是否可以?


'Miscellaneous Options ' 包括 --refs--refs

Limit history rewriting to the specified refs. Implies --partial.
In addition to the normal caveats of --partial (mixing old and new history, no automatic remapping of refs/remotes/origin/* to refs/heads/*, etc.), this also may cause problems for pruning of degenerate empty merge commits when negative revisions are specified.

而且...它会移动标签,正如我在“Git Subdirectory Filter with tags ”中所记录的,它确实使用了 --refs , 举个例子。

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