python - 如何在嵌入 3D 的表面上绘制测地线曲线?

标签 python matlab geometry computational-geometry geometry-surface

我在心里this video ,或者这个 simulation ,并且我想从某个起点重现由函数 f(x,y) 给出的 3D 某种表面上的测地线。

midpoint method似乎计算和代码密集,所以我想问一下是否有办法根据不同点的表面法向量生成近似测地曲线。每个点都有一个与之相关的切向量空间,因此,似乎知道法向量并不能确定向前移动曲线的特定方向。

我曾尝试使用 Geogebra,但我意识到可能需要转移到其他软件平台,例如 Python(或 Poser?)、Matlab 或其他平台。


如果它提供了一些关于如何回答问题的想法,之前有一个答案(现在不幸被删除)建议使用函数形式 z = F(x,y) 的地形的中点方法,从之间的直线开始端点, split 成短段[我假设在 XY 平面 (?) 上的直线],并在表面上提升 [我假设在 XY 平面 (?) 上的段之间的节点]。接下来它建议找到“一个中点”[我猜是连接表面上每对连续投影点对的线段的中点(?)],并投影“它”[我猜这些中点中的每一个都接近,但不完全在表面(?)] 正交于表面(法线方向),使用方程 Z + t = F(X + t Fx, Y + t Fy) [我猜这是一个点积意味着为零...

enter image description here

(?)],其中 (X,Y,Z) 是中点的坐标,Fx,Fy 是 F 的偏导数,t 是未知数 [这是我理解这个的主要问题......我应该怎么做一旦我找到它?将其添加到 (X,Y,Z) 的每个坐标中,如 (X+t, Y+t, Z+t)?进而?]。这是 t 中的非线性方程,通过 Newton's iterations 求解.

作为更新/书签,Alvise Vianello 好心地发布了受 this 启发的测地线的 Python 计算机模拟。页on GitHub .非常感谢!


我有一种方法应该适用于任意 3D 表面,即使该表面有孔或嘈杂。它现在很慢,但它似乎有效,并且可能会给你一些关于如何做到这一点的想法。


1.) 生成一个代表你的表面的点集

2.) 从这个点集生成 k 个最近邻邻近图(我也在这里标准化了跨维度的距离,因为我觉得它更准确地捕捉了“邻居”的概念)

3.) 通过使用点及其邻居作为矩阵的列来计算与此邻近图中每个节点关联的切线空间,然后我对其执行 SVD。 SVD后,左奇异向量为我的切线空间提供了一个新基(前两个列向量是我的平面向量,第三个是平面的法线)

4.) 使用 dijkstra 算法在此邻近图上从起始节点移动到结束节点,但不使用欧氏距离作为边权重,而是使用通过切线空间平行传输的向量之间的距离。



您需要查看的函数是 get_knn、build_proxy_graph、generate_tangent_spaces 和 geodesic_single_path_dijkstra。



import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from mayavi import mlab
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
from scipy.linalg import svd
import networkx as nx
import heapq
from collections import defaultdict

def surface_squares(x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, steps):
    x = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, steps)
    y = np.linspace(y_min, y_max, steps)
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    zz = xx**2 + yy**2
    return xx, yy, zz

def get_meshgrid_ax(x, y, z):
    # fig = plt.figure()
    # ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
    # ax.plot_surface(X=x, Y=y, Z=z)
    # return ax
    fig = mlab.figure()
    su =, y.T, z.T, warp_scale=0.1)

def get_knn(flattened_points, num_neighbors):
    # need the +1 because each point is its own nearest neighbor
    knn = NearestNeighbors(num_neighbors+1)
    # normalize flattened points when finding neighbors
    neighbor_flattened = (flattened_points - np.min(flattened_points, axis=0)) / (np.max(flattened_points, axis=0) - np.min(flattened_points, axis=0))
    dist, indices = knn.kneighbors(neighbor_flattened)
    return dist, indices

def rotmatrix(axis, costheta):
    """ Calculate rotation matrix

    - `axis`     : Rotation axis
    - `costheta` : Rotation angle
    x, y, z = axis
    c = costheta
    s = np.sqrt(1-c*c)
    C = 1-c
    return np.matrix([[x*x*C+c,    x*y*C-z*s,  x*z*C+y*s],
                      [y*x*C+z*s,  y*y*C+c,    y*z*C-x*s],
                      [z*x*C-y*s,  z*y*C+x*s,  z*z*C+c]])

def plane(Lx, Ly, Nx, Ny, n, d):
    """ Calculate points of a generic plane 

    - `Lx` : Plane Length first direction
    - `Ly` : Plane Length second direction
    - `Nx` : Number of points, first direction
    - `Ny` : Number of points, second direction
    - `n`  : Plane orientation, normal vector
    - `d`  : distance from the origin

    x = np.linspace(-Lx/2, Lx/2, Nx)
    y = np.linspace(-Ly/2, Ly/2, Ny)
    # Create the mesh grid, of a XY plane sitting on the orgin
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    Z = np.zeros([Nx, Ny])
    n0 = np.array([0, 0, 1])

    # Rotate plane to the given normal vector
    if any(n0 != n):
        costheta =, n)/(np.linalg.norm(n0)*np.linalg.norm(n))
        axis = np.cross(n0, n)/np.linalg.norm(np.cross(n0, n))
        rotMatrix = rotmatrix(axis, costheta)
        XYZ = np.vstack([X.flatten(), Y.flatten(), Z.flatten()])
        X, Y, Z = np.array(rotMatrix*XYZ).reshape(3, Nx, Ny)

    eps = 0.000000001
    dVec = d #abs((n/np.linalg.norm(n)))*d#np.array([abs(n[i])/np.linalg.norm(n)*val if abs(n[i]) > eps else val for i, val in enumerate(d)]) #
    X, Y, Z = X+dVec[0], Y+dVec[1], Z+dVec[2]
    return X, Y, Z

def build_proxy_graph(proxy_n_dist, proxy_n_indices):
    G = nx.Graph()

    for distance_list, neighbor_list in zip(proxy_n_dist, proxy_n_indices):
        # first element is always point
        current_node = neighbor_list[0]
        neighbor_list = neighbor_list[1:]
        distance_list = distance_list[1:]
        for neighbor, dist in zip(neighbor_list, distance_list):
            G.add_edge(current_node, neighbor, weight=dist)
    return G

def get_plane_points(normal_vec, initial_point, min_range=-10, max_range=10, steps=1000):
    steps_for_plane = np.linspace(min_range, max_range, steps)
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(steps_for_plane, steps_for_plane)
    d =
    eps = 0.000000001
    if abs(normal_vec[2]) < eps and abs(normal_vec[1]) > eps:
        zz = (-xx*normal_vec[2] - yy*normal_vec[0] - d)/normal_vec[1]
        zz = (-xx*normal_vec[0] - yy*normal_vec[1] - d)/normal_vec[2]
    return xx, yy, zz

# def plot_tangent_plane_at_point(pointset, flattened_points, node, normal_vec):
#     ax = get_meshgrid_ax(x=pointset[:, :, 0], y=pointset[:, :, 1], z=pointset[:, :, 2])
#     node_loc = flattened_points[node]
#     print("Node loc: {}".format(node_loc))
#     xx, yy, zz = plane(10, 10, 500, 500, normal_vec, node_loc)
#     # xx, yy, zz = get_plane_points(normal_vec, node_loc)
#     print("Normal Vec: {}".format(normal_vec))
#     ax.plot_surface(X=xx, Y=yy, Z=zz)
#     ax.plot([node_loc[0]], [node_loc[1]], [node_loc[2]], markerfacecolor='k', markeredgecolor='k', marker='o', markersize=10)

def generate_tangent_spaces(proxy_graph, flattened_points):
    # This depth should gaurantee at least 16 neighbors
    tangent_spaces = {}
    for node in proxy_graph.nodes():
        neighbors = list(nx.neighbors(proxy_graph, node))
        node_point = flattened_points[node]
        zero_mean_mat = np.zeros((len(neighbors)+1, len(node_point)))
        for i, neighbor in enumerate(neighbors):
            zero_mean_mat[i] = flattened_points[neighbor]
        zero_mean_mat[-1] = node_point

        zero_mean_mat = zero_mean_mat - np.mean(zero_mean_mat, axis=0)
        u, s, v = svd(zero_mean_mat.T)
        # smat = np.zeros(u.shape[0], v.shape[0])
        # smat[:s.shape[0], :s.shape[0]] = np.diag(s)
        tangent_spaces[node] = u
    return tangent_spaces

def geodesic_single_path_dijkstra(flattened_points, proximity_graph, tangent_frames, start, end):
    # short circuit
    if start == end:
        return []
    # Create min priority queue
    minheap = []
    pred = {}
    dist = defaultdict(lambda: 1.0e+100)
    # for i, point in enumerate(flattened_points):
    R = {}
    t_dist = {}
    geo_dist = {}
    R[start] = np.eye(3)
    t_dist[start] = np.ones((3,))
    dist[start] = 0
    start_vector = flattened_points[start]
    for neighbor in nx.neighbors(proxy_graph, start):
        pred[neighbor] = start
        dist[neighbor] = np.linalg.norm(start_vector - flattened_points[neighbor])
        heapq.heappush(minheap, (dist[neighbor], neighbor))
    while minheap:
        r_dist, r_ind = heapq.heappop(minheap)
        if r_ind == end:
        q_ind = pred[r_ind]
        u, s, v = svd(tangent_frames[q_ind].T*tangent_frames[r_ind])
        R[r_ind] =[q_ind], u * v.T)
        t_dist[r_ind] = t_dist[q_ind][q_ind], tangent_frames[q_ind].T * (r_dist - dist[q_ind]))
        geo_dist[r_ind] = np.linalg.norm(t_dist[r_ind])
        for neighbor in nx.neighbors(proxy_graph, r_ind):
            temp_dist = dist[r_ind] + np.linalg.norm(flattened_points[neighbor] - flattened_points[r_ind])
            if temp_dist < dist[neighbor]:
                dist[neighbor] = temp_dist
                pred[neighbor] = r_ind
                heapq.heappush(minheap, (dist[neighbor], neighbor))
    # found ending index, now loop through preds for path
    current_ind = end
    node_path = [end]
    while current_ind != start:
        current_ind = pred[current_ind]

    return node_path

def plot_path_on_surface(pointset, flattened_points, path):
    # ax = get_meshgrid_ax(x=pointset[:, :, 0], y=pointset[:, :, 1], z=pointset[:, :, 2])
    # ax.plot(points_in_path[:, 0], points_in_path[:, 1], points_in_path[:, 2], linewidth=10.0)
    get_meshgrid_ax(x=pointset[:, :, 0], y=pointset[:, :, 1], z=pointset[:, :, 2])
    points_in_path = flattened_points[path]
    mlab.plot3d(points_in_path[:, 0], points_in_path[:, 1], points_in_path[:, 2] *.1)

    True geodesic of graph.
    Build proximity graph
    Find tangent space using geodisic neighborhood at each point in graph
    Parallel transport vectors between tangent space points
    Use this as your distance metric
    Dijkstra's Algorithm
if __name__ == "__main__":
    x, y, z = surface_squares(-5, 5, -5, 5, 500)
    # plot_meshgrid(x, y, z)
    pointset = np.stack([x, y, z], axis=2)
    proxy_graph_num_neighbors = 16
    flattened_points = pointset.reshape(pointset.shape[0]*pointset.shape[1], pointset.shape[2])
    flattened_points = flattened_points
    proxy_n_dist, proxy_n_indices = get_knn(flattened_points, proxy_graph_num_neighbors)
    # Generate a proximity graph using proxy_graph_num_neighbors
    # Nodes = number of points, max # of edges = number of points * num_neighbors
    proxy_graph = build_proxy_graph(proxy_n_dist, proxy_n_indices)
    # Now, using the geodesic_num_neighbors, get geodesic neighborshood for tangent space construction
    tangent_spaces = generate_tangent_spaces(proxy_graph, flattened_points)
    node_to_use = 2968
    # 3rd vector of tangent space is normal to plane
    # plot_tangent_plane_at_point(pointset, flattened_points, node_to_use, tangent_spaces[node_to_use][:, 2])
    path = geodesic_single_path_dijkstra(flattened_points, proxy_graph, tangent_spaces, 250, 249750)
    plot_path_on_surface(pointset, flattened_points, path)

请注意,我安装并设置了 mayavi 以获得不错的输出图像(matplotlib 没有真正的 3d 渲染,因此它的绘图很糟糕)。但是,如果您想使用它,我确实保留了 matplotlib 代码。如果这样做,只需在路径绘图仪中删除 0.1 的缩放比例并取消注释绘图代码。无论如何,这是 z=x^2+y^2 的示例图像。白线是测地线路径:

Example output

你也可以很容易地调整它以从 dijkstra 算法返回节点之间的所有成对测地距离(查看论文的附录以查看你需要做的小修改)。然后你可以在你的表面上画出任何你想要的线条。

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