typescript - 如何将元组类型转换为联合?

标签 typescript tuples typescript-generics union-types mapped-types


type NeededUnionType<T> = T[keyof T]; // Includes all the Array properties values
const value: NeededUnionType<[7, string]> = 2; // This should not be allowed (2 is the tuple length)
预期类型:7 | string


您可以通过 number 索引而不是 keyof T . keyof T将包含元组对象的所有键,其中包括长度以及任何其他数组属性。

type NeededUnionType<T extends any[]> = T[number]; // Includes all the Array properties values

const value: NeededUnionType<[7, string]> = 2; // err value is 7 | string 

Playground Link

关于typescript - 如何将元组类型转换为联合?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59239632/


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