signal-processing - FFT归一化

标签 signal-processing fft normalization

我知道这个问题被问到令人作呕,但不知何故我无法使其正常工作。我创建了一个具有单位幅度的 440 Hz 的单个正弦波。现在,在 FFT 之后,440 Hz 的 bin 具有明显的峰值,但该值不正确。我希望看到 0 dB,因为我正在处理单位幅度正弦波。相反,计算出的功率远高于 0 dB。我使用的公式很简单

for (int i = 0; i < N/2; i++) 
    mag = sqrt((Real[i]*Real[i] + Img[i]*Img[i])/(N*0.54)); //0.54 correction for a Hamming Window

    Mag[i] = 10 * log(mag) ;      

我可能应该指出时域中的总能量等于频域中的能量(Parseval 定理),所以我知道我的 FFT 程序很好。



我最好的总结是:能量需要守恒——这是帕塞瓦尔定理。同样,在用 Python 编码时,您很容易丢失一个元素而不知道它。请注意, numpy.arrays 索引不包括最后一个元素。

a = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
a[1:-1] = [2,3,4,5]
a[-1] = 6
这是我正确归一化 FFT 的代码:
# FFT normalization to conserve power
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.signal
sample_rate = 500.0e6
time_step = 1/sample_rate
carrier_freq = 100.0e6
# number of digital samples to simulate
num_samples = 2**18 # 262144
t_stop = num_samples*time_step
t = np.arange(0, t_stop, time_step)
# let the signal be a voltage waveform,
# so there is no zero padding
carrier_I = np.sin(2*np.pi*carrier_freq*t)
# FFT using Welch method
# windows = np.ones(nfft) - no windowing
# if windows = 'hamming', etc.. this function will
# normalize to an equivalent noise bandwidth (ENBW)
nfft = num_samples  # fft size same as signal size 
f,Pxx_den = scipy.signal.welch(carrier_I, fs = 1/time_step,\
                        window = np.ones(nfft),\
                        nperseg = nfft,\
# FFT comparison    
integration_time = nfft*time_step
power_time_domain = sum((np.abs(carrier_I)**2)*time_step)/integration_time
print 'power time domain = %f' % power_time_domain
# Take FFT.  Note that the factor of 1/nfft is sometimes omitted in some 
# references and software packages.
# By proving Parseval's theorem (conservation of energy) we can find out the 
# proper normalization.
signal = carrier_I 
xdft = scipy.fftpack.fft(signal, nfft)/nfft 
# fft coefficients need to be scaled by fft size
# equivalent to scaling over frequency bins
# total power in frequency domain should equal total power in time domain
power_freq_domain = sum(np.abs(xdft)**2)
print 'power frequency domain = %f' % power_freq_domain
# Energy is conserved
# FFT symmetry
plt.plot(np.abs(xdft)) # symmetric in amplitude
plt.plot(np.angle(xdft)) # pi phase shift out of phase
xdft_short = xdft[0:nfft/2+1] # take only positive frequency terms, other half identical
# xdft[0] is the dc term
# xdft[nfft/2] is the Nyquist term, note that Python 2.X indexing does NOT 
# include the last element, therefore we need to use 0:nfft/2+1 to have an array
# that is from 0 to nfft/2
# xdft[nfft/2-x] = conjugate(xdft[nfft/2+x])
Pxx = (np.abs(xdft_short))**2 # power ~ voltage squared, power in each bin.
Pxx_density = Pxx / (sample_rate/nfft)  # power is energy over -fs/2 to fs/2, with nfft bins
Pxx_density[1:-1] = 2*Pxx_density[1:-1] # conserve power since we threw away 1/2 the spectrum
# note that DC (0 frequency) and Nyquist term only appear once, we don't double those.
# Note that Python 2.X array indexing is not inclusive of the last element.
Pxx_density_dB = 10*np.log10(Pxx_density)
freq = np.linspace(0,sample_rate/2,nfft/2+1) 
# frequency range of the fft spans from DC (0 Hz) to 
# Nyquist (Fs/2).
# the resolution of the FFT is 1/t_stop
# dft of size nfft will give nfft points at frequencies
# (1/stop) to (nfft/2)*(1/t_stop)
plt.plot(f, 10.0*np.log10(Pxx_den))
plt.xlabel('Freq (Hz)'),plt.ylabel('dBm/Hz'),
plt.ylim([-200, 0])

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