
标签 ios iphone objective-c

为了好玩,我构建了一个基于套接字的小聊天应用程序。它通过 nodejs 服务器通过 tcp 套接字进行通信。它成功地来回发送消息。但是,当我按下主页按钮并将我的应用程序置于后台时出现问题 - 此时套接字似乎“暂停”并且在此期间发送的所有消息都丢失了。


我该如何处理?我有哪些选择? 我有一些想法,但我喜欢这里的一些关于人们如何处理这个问题的意见。


  1. Add a "loadHistory" method on my nodejs server that sends all the history of a channel. So that my app can call a certain URL and get a JSON formated response with all the messages. Maybe this should be done each time a table item is touched?

  2. Make use of the new iOS7 background running features? (Im not to sure its possible to keep the socket alive with that)

  3. Implement a way for the server to know if a message has been delivered, if it could not be delivered it stores the message on the database. As soon as the client goes online again it sends the messages over tcp. This would require a lot of added functionality to the server so id like to avoid this if possible.



您可以使用 voip,但如果您的应用被杀死,您的应用将无法接收消息。 (如果你添加了voip模式,但你的应用不是关于语音的,苹果会屏蔽你的应用)

关于基于iOS套接字的聊天,如何接收应用程序在后台时发送的消息?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19630871/


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