sql-server - EF Core 存储过程 FromSqlRaw 不提供更新值

标签 sql-server stored-procedures entity-framework-core ef-core-3.1

使用 FromSqlRaw 在 EF Core 3 上运行过程时更新表中的值,EF 当我在数据库中查询这些更改的值时返回更新的值。

我已经能够重现这种行为。要使用 .net core 3.1 重现创建一个新的控制台应用程序 c#。

将下面的代码复制粘贴到您的主 Program.cs 文件中:

using System;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Data.SqlClient;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;

namespace EfCoreTest
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

            // testing proc
            var dbContext = new TestContext();
            var tables = dbContext.TestTables.ToList();
            var updated = dbContext.TestTables
                .FromSqlRaw("execute testProc @Id=@Id, @Comments=@Comments", new object[]
                    new SqlParameter("Id", 1),
                    new SqlParameter("Comments", "testing comments 2"),
            var again = dbContext.TestTables.ToList();

    public class TestTable
        public int TestTableId { get; set; }

        public string Comment { get; set; }

    public class TestContext : DbContext
        public DbSet<TestTable> TestTables { get; set; }

        protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)



运行 dotnet ef migrations add initial
运行 dotnet ef database update

drop procedure if exists testProc
create procedure testProc
@Id int,
@Comments nvarchar(max)
    update dbo.TestTables
    set Comment = @Comments
    where TestTableId = @Id;

    select * from dbo.TestTables;


INSERT INTO [dbo].[TestTables]
(Comment) VALUES ('Test Comment');

因此,当您在调试时运行 Main 程序并放置一个断路器时,您会注意到没有任何对象返回在检查过程中由该过程更新的值。在调试过程中,如果您在表上运行 select 语句,您将看到“Comment”字段确实已更新。



这不是特定于 FromSql ,但是EF Core(所有版本)的方式tracking queries工作。

这是 EF Core How Queries Work 的摘录文档主题:

The following is a high level overview of the process each query goes through.

  1. The LINQ query is processed by Entity Framework Core to build a representation that is ready to be processed by the database provider
    • The result is cached so that this processing does not need to be done every time the query is executed
  2. The result is passed to the database provider
    • The database provider identifies which parts of the query can be evaluated in the database
    • These parts of the query are translated to database specific query language (for example, SQL for a relational database)
    • One or more queries are sent to the database and the result set returned (results are values from the database, not entity instances)
  3. For each item in the result set
    • If this is a tracking query, EF checks if the data represents an entity already in the change tracker for the context instance If so, the existing entity is returned If not, a new entity is created, change tracking is setup, and the new entity is returned


在您的示例中,插入 AsNotTracking()在查询中的某个地方(在 ToList 之前,在 dbContext.TestTables 之后 - 这真的无关紧要,因为它适用于整个查询),或者只是

dbContext.ChangeTracker.QueryTrackingBehavior = QueryTrackingBehavior.NoTracking;

现在您将看到更新的值(从您的 SP 调用或从其他 session 到同一数据库)。

关于sql-server - EF Core 存储过程 FromSqlRaw 不提供更新值,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60101625/


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