multithreading - Perl崩溃: Wrong use of glob in threads?

标签 multithreading perl glob

以下脚本在perl 5.16中崩溃。在线程中使用glob()有什么问题吗?

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

use threads; 

sub f { 
    my $no = shift; 
    my @arr = glob("*"); 
    say "thread $no: ", scalar(@arr); 

foreach my $tno (1..5) { 
    my $thr = threads->create(\&f, $tno); 

thread 1: 33

然后由于段错误(MacOS)或访问冲突(Windows 7)而崩溃。
经过v5.16.2 on Mac OSX (darwin-thread-multi-2level)ActivePerl on Windows 7 64bit (v5.16.3 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread)测试。


这是bug in perl,我在fixed中一直是5.18.2

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