multithreading - 在 Linux 中使用多队列 NIC

标签 multithreading networking network-programming multiprocessing packet-capture


我确实了解 PF_RING,但我想 Linux 内核本身一定有一些基础支持。毕竟,Interl 在其网站上夸耀其 RSS 技术,并声称支持 Linux。此外,RPS 超出了 PF_RING 的范围。我不愿意使用 PF_RING 的另一个原因是他们已经修补了网络驱动程序,而其中一些修补的驱动程序似乎已经过时了。

我已经在 google 上广泛搜索了该主题,但我发现的最好的内容是关于启用 RSS 或 RPS 支持,而不是如何以编程方式使用它们。


内核 3.19 引入了 SO_INCOMING_CPU 套接字选项。这样,该进程就可以确定数据包最初传送到哪个 CPU。

Alternative to RPS/RFS is to use hardware support for multi queue.

Then split a set of million of sockets into worker threads, each one using epoll() to manage events on its own socket pool.

Ideally, we want one thread per RX/TX queue/cpu, but we have no way to know after accept() or connect() on which queue/cpu a socket is managed.

We normally use one cpu per RX queue (IRQ smp_affinity being properly set), so remembering on socket structure which cpu delivered last packet is enough to solve the problem.

After accept(), connect(), or even file descriptor passing around processes, applications can use :

int cpu; socklen_t len = sizeof(cpu);

getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_INCOMING_CPU, &cpu, &len);

And use this information to put the socket into the right silo for optimal performance, as all networking stack should run on the appropriate cpu, without need to send IPI (RPS/RFS).


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