multithreading - 如何将父异步与多个子异步链接

标签 multithreading haskell asynchronous concurrency

async package 的文档将 withAsync 函数描述为:

Spawn an asynchronous action in a separate thread, and pass its Async handle to the supplied function. When the function returns or throws an exception, uninterruptibleCancel is called on the Async. This is a useful variant of async that ensures an Async is never left running unintentionally.


  • 如果监视器线程死亡,所有工作线程都应该被杀死,
  • 但是,如果任何工作线程死亡,其他工作线程都不应受到影响。应通知监视器,并且它应该能够重新启动工作线程.




withAsyncMany :: [IO t] -> ([Async t] -> IO b) -> IO b
withAsyncMany []     f = f []
withAsyncMany (t:ts) f = withAsync t $ \a -> withAsyncMany ts (f . (a:))

如果我们使用 managed包,我们也可以这样写:

import Control.Monad.Managed (with,managed)

withAsyncMany' :: [IO t] -> ([Async t] -> IO b) -> IO b
withAsyncMany' = with . traverse (\t -> managed (withAsync t))


{-# language NumDecimals #-}
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)

resurrect :: IO t -> [Async t] -> IO ()
resurrect restartAction = go []
    go ts [] = do
        threadDelay 1e6    -- wait a little before the next round of polling
        go [] (reverse ts)
    go past (a:pending) = do
        status <- poll a   -- has the task died, or finished?
        case status of
            Nothing -> go (a:past) pending
            Just _  -> withAsync restartAction $ \a' -> go (a':past) pending

但是,我担心许多嵌套的 withAsyncs 可能会导致某种类型的资源泄漏(因为必须为每个 withAsync 安装某种异常处理程序来通知子线程以防父线程死亡)。

因此,在这种情况下,最好使用普通的 async 生成工作线程,将 Async 集合存储到某种可变引用中,然后安装单个监视器线程中的异常处理程序,它将遍历终止每个任务的容器。

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