java - Java 7 至少和 Java 6 一样稳定吗?

标签 java java-7 jvm-hotspot

记得Java 7最初发布的时候,有很多建议not to use it for anything因为编译器优化中存在一些错误。这显然是 not merely hypothetical .从那以后我就没有密切关注情况;这些问题是否已经解决,目前普遍认为可以安全使用?

This page来自 让我觉得它可能还没有准备好,但我不想过多地阅读它。如果还不安全,使用 -XX:-UseLoopPredicate 作为 VM 参数是否足够?

请注意,我指的不仅仅是具体的 Lucene 问题,而是 Java 7 的总体稳定性。Java 7 至少和 Java 6 一样稳定吗?


来自 very article you linked to :

UPDATE OCTOBER 28, 2011: As noted on Uwe’s blog, Java 7u1 is documented to include the patches to address these issues.


Last night, Oracle updated the release notes of Java 7u1 and Java 6u29, stating that they fixed the three Lucene-relevant bugs (plus another one related to that). Based on this confirmation, it's now safe to use Java 7 Update 1 (and later) with Apache Lucene and Apache Solr.


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