angular - Angular Electron -showOpenDialog typescript 错误?没有与 'OpenDialogOptions'类型相同的属性

标签 angular typescript electron

我试图使用Electron的 native 对话框支持来打开文件,但我一直遇到这个 typescript 问题,但似乎无法解决:

[ts] Type '(folderPath: any) => void' has no properties in common with type 'OpenDialogOptions'.

import { ElectronService } from 'ngx-electron'

export class ChartOfAccountsComponent implements OnInit {

public electronDialog = new ElectronService().remote.dialog;

openImport() {
    let properties: any = {
      title: "Import budget",
      properties: ['openDirectory']

    this.electronDialog.showOpenDialog(properties, (folderPath) => {
      if (folderPath === undefined){
          console.log("You didn't select a folder");
      console.log('folderPath', folderPath);




  interface OpenDialogReturnValue {
     * whether or not the dialog was canceled.
    canceled: boolean;
     * An array of file paths chosen by the user. If the dialog is cancelled this will
     * be an empty array.
    filePaths: string[];
     * An array matching the `filePaths` array of base64 encoded strings which contains
     * security scoped bookmark data. `securityScopedBookmarks` must be enabled for
     * this to be populated. (For return values, see table here.)
     * @platform darwin,mas
    bookmarks?: string[];
this.electronDialog.showOpenDialog(properties, (value: OpenDialogReturnValue) => {
      if (value.canceled){
          console.log("You didn't select a folder");
      console.log('folderPaths', value.filePaths);

关于angular - Angular Electron -showOpenDialog typescript 错误?没有与 'OpenDialogOptions'类型相同的属性,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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