iphone - 通过socket.h调用connect()时,使用GSoap返回EHOSTUNREACH

标签 iphone sockets connect gsoap errno


SOAP 1.1 fault: SOAP-ENV:Client [no subcode]
"Connection refused"
Detail: connect failed in tcp_connect()


//GSoap initialization
    struct soap soap; 
    soap.connect_timeout = 0;  
    soap.send_timeout = 0; 
    soap.recv_timeout = 0;

// objects request & response
// struct types can be foundin soapStub.h
struct _ns1__GetAuthentification requete;
struct _ns1__GetAuthentificationResponse reponse;

// init request
requete.ConnectPass = (char *) [connectPass UTF8String];
requete.Login = (char *) [login UTF8String];
requete.Password = (char *) [password UTF8String];
requete.soap = &soap;

// request callback. returns SOAP_OK if something has been returned
if(soap_call___ns1__GetAuthentification(&soap,NULL,NULL, &requete,&reponse) == SOAP_OK){

    //then we build the result

    soap_end(&soap); // remove deserialized data and clean up
    soap_done(&soap); // detach the gSOAP environment

    return authResult;

else {

    //NSLog(@"Soap Error : GetAuthentification");
    // We try to see if there's any problem. @catch statements are here just to keep note of the concerned
    // exceptions for each request. No utility for the code.
    @try {
        [self processFault:&soap];
    @catch (MMWrongId * e) {
        @throw e;
    @catch (MMConnectionFailed * e) {
        @throw e;
    @catch (MMGetAuthentificationFault * e) {
        @throw e;

    return nil;



对于那些遇到相同问题的人,我有一个解决方案。 Michael Lasmanis对此提供了巨大的帮助。这是他的答案:

this is one of the reasons i no longer recommend gsoap for iphone new iphone developers. gsoap uses the lower bsd sockets and bypasses the higher level iphone apis. it is the higher level api that manage the state of the internet connectivity which is why if you start safari first, then everything works. the easiest workaround is to use nsurlconnection to open a http connect to a well know site before calling gsoap.

关于iphone - 通过socket.h调用connect()时,使用GSoap返回EHOSTUNREACH,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3459528/


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