c# - TCP Socket中SocketError.ConnectionReset的可能原因有哪些

标签 c# sockets

我有一个基于 TCP 套接字的客户端服务器系统。 一切正常,但是当网络从客户端断开连接并再次重新连接时,我会自动 SocketError.ConnectionReset 从客户端发送,并且关于此命令,套接字在服务器端关闭。这也可以。

但是当我查看客户端时,它显示套接字仍与服务器连接。 (关于socket仍然与服务器连接【不是每次都发生】,有时显示断开,有时显示连接)

Does it make sense that "server get a SocketError.ConnectionReset from client end but client is still connected"?

所以我想知道 SocketError.ConnectionReset 的可能原因是什么以及如何处理我提到的此类问题?




这是客户端的代码。实际上它是一个计时器,在程序生命周期中每 3 秒计时一次,并检查 Socket 是否已连接,如果断开连接,则它会尝试通过新的套接字实例重新连接

private void timerSocket_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (sck == null || !sck.Connected)
            catch (Exception ex)
                RPLog.WriteDebugLog("Exception occcured at: "+ System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().ToString()+"Message: "+ex.Message);

In normal situation (without network disconnect/reconnect) if TCP server get a SocketError.ConnectionReset form any client, in the client side i see clients socket is disconnected and it tries to reconnect it again through the code shown. but when situation happen explained earlier, server gets a SocketError.ConnectionReset but client shows it still connected. though the TCP server shows the reset command is send form the exact client side.



关于c# - TCP Socket中SocketError.ConnectionReset的可能原因有哪些,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17923191/


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