string - 如何将整数转换为字符串?

标签 string int type-conversion rust

我无法编译将类型从整数转换为字符串的代码。我正在从Rust for Rubyists tutorial运行一个示例,该示例具有各种类型转换,例如:



error: type `&'static str` does not implement any method in scope named `to_str`
error: type `int` does not implement any method in scope named `to_str`


使用 to_string() (running example here):

let x: u32 = 10;
let s: String = x.to_string();
println!("{}", s);

你是对的;为了保持一致性,在Rust 1.0发布之前,to_str()重命名为to_string(),因为现在分配的字符串称为 String

let ss: &str = &s;   // specifying type is necessary for deref coercion to fire
let ss = &s[..];     // alternatively, use slicing syntax

您链接到的教程似乎已过时。如果您对Rust中的字符串感兴趣,可以浏览the strings chapter of The Rust Programming Language

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