error-handling - Rust Snafu缺少 'source'字段

标签 error-handling rust

我正在尝试使用snafu crate 进行错误处理,但不断出现错误,我的Error枚举结构缺少'source'并且IntoError没有隐含Error:

use snafu::{ResultExt, Snafu};
#[derive(Debug, Snafu)]
#[snafu(visibility = "pub(crate)")]
pub enum Error{
    #[snafu(display("Could not load gallery JSON: {}: {}", json_path, source))]
    LoadGallery {
        source: std::io::Error,
        json_path: String,
use snafu::{ResultExt}; 
use crate::Error::{LoadGallery};

pub struct Gallery{
    name: String,

impl Gallery{
    pub fn from_json(json_path: String)->Result<()>{
        let configuration = std::fs::read_to_string(&json_path).context(LoadGallery { json_path })?;
let configuration = std::fs::read_to_string(&json_path).context(LoadGallery { json_path })?;
|                                                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^ missing `source`
let configuration = std::fs::read_to_string(&json_path).context(LoadGallery { json_path })?;
|                                                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `IntoError<_>` is not implemented for `Error`
use snafu::{ResultExt, Snafu};
use std::{fs, io, path::PathBuf};

#[derive(Debug, Snafu)]
enum Error {
    #[snafu(display("Unable to read configuration from {}: {}", path.display(), source))]
    ReadConfiguration { source: io::Error, path: PathBuf },

    #[snafu(display("Unable to write result to {}: {}", path.display(), source))]
    WriteResult { source: io::Error, path: PathBuf },

type Result<T, E = Error> = std::result::Result<T, E>;

fn process_data() -> Result<()> {
    let path = "config.toml";
    let configuration = fs::read_to_string(path).context(ReadConfiguration { path })?;
    let path = unpack_config(&configuration);
    fs::write(&path, b"My complex calculation").context(WriteResult { path })?;

fn unpack_config(data: &str) -> &str {



// Not this one:
// use crate::Error::LoadGallery;

// This one:
use crate::LoadGallery;
为什么?因为 snafu struct的每个变体生成一个Error。因此,正在生成一个struct LoadGallery。该结构不包含source字段,这就是为什么您可以在不使用source的情况下构造它并将其传递给 context() 的原因,因为它实际上不是Error::LoadGallery
您的from_json()还需要返回Result<(), Error>而不是Result<()>(您没有类型别名,如示例中所示)。
use crate::{Error, LoadGallery};
use snafu::ResultExt;

pub struct Gallery {
    name: String,

impl Gallery {
    pub fn from_json(json_path: String) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let configuration =
            std::fs::read_to_string(&json_path).context(LoadGallery { json_path })?;
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