struct - 选项类型是否小于包装类型加上 boolean 值?

标签 struct rust boolean padding optional

use std::mem::size_of;

struct Position {
    x: f32,
    y: f32,
    z: f32,

struct PoolItem {
    entity_id: u32, // 4 bytes
    used: bool, // 1 bytes + 3 (padding)
    component: Position, // 12 bytes

assert_eq!(size_of::<u32>(), 4);
assert_eq!(size_of::<Position>(), 12);
assert_eq!(size_of::<PoolItem>(), 20);

如您所见,这种结构的长度为20个字节。 Position实际上是 optional ,并且取决于used

使用 Option 是否会消除对used字段的需要并将结构大小减小到16个?

struct PoolItem {
    entity_id: u32, // 4 bytes
    component: Option<Position>, // 12 bytes ?




Option<Position>需要将状态(SomeNone)存储在某个位置,并且由于Position已经包含12个字节的信息,因此需要更多空间来存储它。通常这意味着它增加了一个额外的字节(加上填充)来存储状态,尽管在某些情况下内部类型具有已知的未使用状态。例如,引用可以指向地址0,因此Option<&'_ T>可以使用0作为None状态,并占用与&'_ T相同的字节数。但是,对于您的Position类型,情况并非如此。


const COMPONENT_USED_BIT: u32 = (1u32 << 31);

struct PoolItem {
    entity_id: u32, // lowest 31 bits = entity ID, highest bit = "component used"
    component: Position,


impl PoolItem {
    /// Get entity ID, without the "component used" bit
    fn entity_id(&self) -> u32 {
        self.entity_id & !COMPONENT_USED_BIT

    /// Set entity ID, keeping the existing "component used" bit
    fn set_entity_id(&mut self, entity_id: u32) {
        let component_used_bit = self.entity_id & COMPONENT_USED_BIT;
        self.entity_id = (entity_id & !COMPONENT_USED_BIT) | component_used_bit;

    /// Get component if "component used" bit is set
    fn component(&self) -> Option<&Position> {
        if self.entity_id & COMPONENT_USED_BIT != 0 {
        } else {

    /// Set component, updating the "component used" bit
    fn set_component(&mut self, component: Option<Position>) {
        if let Some(component) = component {
            self.component = component;
            self.entity_id |= COMPONENT_USED_BIT;
        } else {
            self.entity_id &= !COMPONENT_USED_BIT;

Playground example with tests

关于struct - 选项类型是否小于包装类型加上 boolean 值?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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