unit-testing - rust 中的单元测试、模拟和特征

标签 unit-testing rust mocking tdd traits


How to mock external dependencies in tests? [duplicate]

(1 个回答)

How to mock specific methods but not all of them in Rust?

(2 个回答)

How can I test stdin and stdout?

(1 个回答)

Is there a way of detecting whether code is being called from tests in Rust?

(1 个回答)

What is the proper way to use the `cfg!` macro to choose between multiple implementations?

(1 个回答)


我目前正在构建一个严重依赖文件 IO 的应用程序,所以很明显我的代码的很多部分都有 File::open(file) .
比方说,我会在任何面向对象语言(示例中为 java)中编写相同的代码,我可以编写一些接口(interface),并在测试中简单地覆盖我想要模拟的默认行为,设置一个假的 ClientRepository ,无论以固定返回重新实现,还是使用一些模拟框架,如mockito。

public interface ClientRepository {
   Client getClient(int id)

public class ClientRepositoryDB {
  private ClientRepository repository;
  //getters and setters

  public Client getClientById(int id) {
    Client client = repository.getClient(id);

    //Some data manipulation and validation

但是我无法在 rust 中获得相同的结果,因为我们最终将数据与行为混合在一起。
RefCell documentation ,有一个与我在java上给出的类似的例子。一些答案指向特征,clojures , conditional compiliation
我们可能会在测试中提供一些场景,第一个是一些 mod.rs 中的公共(public)函数

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct SomeData {
    pub name: Option<String>,
    pub address: Option<String>,

pub fn get_some_data(file_path: PathBuf) -> Option<SomeData> {
    let mut contents = String::new();

    match File::open(file_path) {
        Ok(mut file) => {
            match file.read_to_string(&mut contents) {
                Ok(result) => result,
                Err(_err) => panic!(
                    panic!("Problem reading file")
        Err(err) => panic!("File not find"),
    // using serde for operate on data output
    let some_data: SomeData = match serde_json::from_str(&contents) {
        Ok(some_data) => some_data,
        Err(err) => panic!(
            "An error occour when parsing: {:?}",

    //we might do some checks or whatever here
    Some(some_data) or None

mod test {

    use super::*;
    fn test_if_scenario_a_happen() -> std::io::Result<()> {
       //tied with File::open
       let some_data = get_some_data(PathBuf::new);



    fn test_if_scenario_b_happen() -> std::io::Result<()> {
       //We might need to write two files, and we want to test is the logic, not the file loading itself
       let some_data = get_some_data(PathBuf::new);



#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct SomeData {
   pub name: Option<String>,
   pub address: Option<String>,

trait GetSomeData {
   fn get_some_data(&self, file_path: PathBuf) -> Option<SomeData>;

pub struct SomeDataService {}

impl GetSomeData for SomeDataService {
   fn get_some_data(&self, file_path: PathBuf) -> Option<SomeData> {
       let mut contents = String::new();

       match File::open(file_path) {
           Ok(mut file) => {
               match file.read_to_string(&mut contents) {
                   Ok(result) => result,
                   Err(_err) => panic!("Problem reading file"),
           Err(err) => panic!("File not find"),
       // using serde for operate on data output
       let some_data: SomeData = match serde_json::from_str(&contents) {
           Ok(some_data) => some_data,
           Err(err) => panic!("An error occour when parsing: {:?}", err),

       //we might do some checks or whatever here
       Some(some_data) or None

impl SomeDataService {
   pub fn do_something_with_data(&self) -> Option<SomeData> {


mod test {

   use super::*;
   fn test_if_scenario_a_happen() -> std::io::Result<()> {
      //tied with File::open
      let service = SomeDataService{}

      let some_data = service.do_something_with_data(PathBuf::new);



在这两个示例中,我们都很难对其进行单元测试,因为我们与 File::open 绑定(bind)在一起。 ,当然,这可能会扩展到任何非确定性函数,如时间、数据库连接等。


How would you design this or any similar code to make easier to unit testing and better design?

一种方法是制作 get_some_data()在输入流上通用。 std::io模块定义了 Read您可以从中读取的所有内容的特征,因此它可能看起来像这样(未经测试):
use std::io::Read;

pub fn get_some_data(mut input: impl Read) -> Option<SomeData> {
    let mut contents = String::new();
    input.read_to_string(&mut contents).unwrap();
你会调用 get_some_data()输入,例如get_some_data(File::open(file_name).unwrap())get_some_data(&mut io::stdin::lock())等。在测试时,您可以准备一个字符串中的输入并将其称为 get_some_data(io::Cursor::new(prepared_data)) .
至于特征示例,我认为您误解了如何将模式应用于您的代码。您应该使用 trait 将获取数据与处理数据分离,就像您在 Java 中使用接口(interface)的方式一样。 get_some_data()函数将接收一个已知实现该特征的对象。
与您在 OO 语言中找到的更相似的代码可能会选择使用 a trait object :
trait ProvideData {
    fn get_data(&self) -> String

struct FileData(PathBuf);

impl ProvideData for FileData {
    fn get_data(&self) -> String {

pub fn get_some_data(data_provider: &dyn ProvideData) -> Option<SomeData> {
    let contents = data_provider.get_data();

// normal invocation:
// let some_data = get_some_data(&FileData("file name".into()));
在测试中,您只需创建特征的不同实现 - 例如:
mod test {
    struct StaticData(&'static str);

    impl ProvideData for StaticData {
        fn get_data(&self) -> String {

    fn test_something() {
        let some_data = get_some_data(StaticData("foo bar"));

关于unit-testing - rust 中的单元测试、模拟和特征,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63850791/


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