windows - Sourcetree “git clone”给出错误 “fatal: ArgumentOutOfRangeException encountered. Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.”

标签 windows git version-control bitbucket atlassian-sourcetree

当git在Windows 10的命令提示符中克隆存储库时,

git clone

出现Sourcetree v2.6.10.0的屏幕,要求输入登录凭据

enter image description here


fatal: ArgumentOutOfRangeException encountered.

Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.

Parameter name: resultType

Username for '':

现在,如果我输入相同的用户名和密码,则git clone成功完成。

为什么会发生此错误?如何避免Sourcetree pop 此对话框并直接在命令提示符中输入登录凭据?


pop 的凭据登录窗口不是SourceTree询问的,而是凭据管理器询问的。

您也可以引用问题Bitbucket - Specified argument was out of the range of valid values


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