wpf - 我怎样才能生成 Windows 证书,这样我的 MSI 就不会向用户显示警告

标签 wpf windows windows-installer exe


我是 Windows 开发的新手。我将我的项目打包到一个 msi 安装程序中以安装在其他系统上,但是当我在任何系统中打开 msi 时,它会显示一条警告,如附件 image .如何删除此警告?


Note: Be sure to check if your organization already has an EV-level certificate? Just a few emails or phone calls might be wise before trying to research the purchase process?

Trust & Reputation: What you really need is an EV code-signing certificate. Microsoft's SmartScreen feature in Windows (which is what you see with that blue prompt) is a reputation-based system where unknown binaries are flagged as unsafe until they are validated safe by users in actual use.

Virustotal.com : 安EV code-signing certificate “完全信任” - 有趣的概念 - 应该让您的用户即使对于全新的二进制文件也不会看到这样的提示。确保使用 virustotal.com 检查所有二进制文件尽管如此,许多恶意软件扫描程序检测可以触发任何二进制文件的重新出现的智能屏幕警告 - 这就是它的用途 (signed malware is still malware)。

误报:恶意软件的误报是一个大问题,因为必须处理并解决它,而且您可以不要只是告诉您的用户重建他们的 PC 并重试。

Moral: The moral of the story is to use Virustotal.com to test for both malware and false positives in your binaries and files for distribution, and to use an EV-level certificate for serious software distribution to get trust for your binaries outright (without delay). An EV-level certificate is not a silver bullet. Problems can still be seen. Trust can be lost too, not just gained (trust... hard to earn, easy to lose).

提示:正确签名的 MSI 也会在 UAC 提示中显示正确的名称:Installshield Custom Dialogue Installer (查看屏幕截图,然后查看页面下方的答案)。

远方视角:“请确保您的设置没有恶意软件,或者应用的数字证书证明您传送了恶意软件" ( until that is hackable too ) :-)



关于wpf - 我怎样才能生成 Windows 证书,这样我的 MSI 就不会向用户显示警告,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58831544/


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