c - 如何为您的程序设置内存上限

标签 c windows out-of-memory

如何在我的 C(或者,原则上但在本例中不是 C++)程序中设置 RAM、堆或堆栈使用的上限?我在 Windows 10 上使用 Visual Studio。

我有一个完整的程序(嗯,库和一个小程序来运行基本测试并将其演示给我正在辅导的人),我想展示内存分配失败时会发生什么。 (而且我不只是用一个愚蠢的大分配来做这件事,因为它是链表,我想在那种情况下显示内存分配失败。)所以:我怎样才能限制我的程序允许使用的内存量,我会在哪里做呢?我会在操作系统中做些什么来告诉它“我要运行的这个应用程序只能使用 X 字节的 RAM”(或者甚至可能告诉它限制堆或堆栈大小),我会在编译器参数,链接器参数,还是什么?

而且我编写的代码具有防止非法内存访问以及随后在 malloc(或仅在少数地方,calloc)返回 NULL 时崩溃的代码!所以不要担心非法内存访问和其他东西,我对我在做什么有一个相当好的想法。

这是库标题,singleLinkList.h , 好像:


#ifndef KIND_OF_DATA
#define KIND_OF_DATA 3
#endif // !KIND_OF_DATA

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

typedef long long LL_t;

#if KIND_OF_DATA == 1

typedef float data_t;
#define DATA_FORM "%f"

#elif KIND_OF_DATA == 2

typedef double data_t;
#define DATA_FORM "%lf"

#elif KIND_OF_DATA == 3

typedef LL_t data_t;
#define DATA_FORM "%lld"


typedef int data_t;
#define DATA_FORM "%d"

#endif // KIND_OF_DATA == 1, 2, etc...

struct listStruct;

// equivalent to `list_t*` within the .c file
typedef struct listStruct* LS_p;

// equivalent to `const list_t* const` within the .c file
typedef const struct listStruct* const LS_cpc;

typedef struct listStruct* const LS_pc;

int showSizes(void);
size_t queryNodeSize(void);

// returns NULL on failure
LS_p newList(void);

// returns NULL on failure (in memory alloc, at any point), or if given the NULL pointer
LS_p mkListCopy(LS_cpc);

// copies one list into another; leaves the destination unmodified upon failure
//returns a value indicating success/type of failure; returns 0 on success, 
//  various `true` values on failure depending on type
// 1 indicates simple allocation failure
// -1 indicates that you gave the NULL pointer
int copyList(LS_pc dst, LS_cpc src);

//destroys (frees) the given singly-linked list (the list_t* given, and all the list of nodes whose head it holds)
void destroyList(LS_p);

// destroys the list pointed to, then sets it to NULL
//inline void strongDestroyList(LS_p* listP) {
inline void strongDestroyList(struct listStruct** listP) {
    *listP = NULL;

// Takes a pointer to a list_t
// returns how many elements it has (runs in O(n) time)
//  If you don't understand what `O(n) time` means, go look up "Big O Notation"
size_t len_list(LS_cpc);

//prints a list; returns characters printed
int print_list(LS_cpc);

// gets the data at the specified index of the list; sets the output parameter on failure
data_t indexToData(LS_pc, const size_t ind, int* const err);

// will write the data at ind to the output parameter
//returns a value indicating success/type of failure; returns 0 on success, 
//  various `true` values on failure depending on type
// 1 indicates simple allocation failure
// -1 indicates that you gave the NULL pointer
int copyToPointer(LS_pc, const size_t ind, data_t* const out);

// gets the data at the specified index and removes it from the list; sets output param on failure
data_t popFromInd(LS_pc, const size_t ind, int* const errFlag);

// pops the first item of the list; sets the output param on failure
data_t popFromTop(LS_pc, int* const errFlag);

//returns a value indicating success/type of failure; returns 0 on success, 
//  various `true` values on failure depending on type
// 1 indicates simple allocation failure
// -1 indicates that you gave the NULL pointer
int assignToIndex(LS_pc, const size_t ind, const data_t value);

//returns a value indicating success/type of failure; returns 0 on success, 
//  various `true` values on failure depending on type
// 1 indicates simple allocation failure
// 2 indicates inability to reach the specified index, because it's not that long.
// -1 indicates that you gave the NULL pointer
int insertAfterInd(LS_pc, const size_t ind, const data_t value);

//returns a value indicating success/type of failure; returns 0 on success, 
//  various `true` values on failure depending on type
// 1 indicates simple allocation failure
// -1 indicates that you gave the NULL pointer
int appendToEnd(LS_pc, const data_t value);

//returns a value indicating success/type of failure; returns 0 on success, 
//  various `true` values on failure depending on type
// 1 indicates simple allocation failure
// -1 indicates that you gave the NULL pointer
int insertAtStart(LS_pc list, const data_t value);


这就是 main.c ,它运行演示/测试,看起来像:

#pragma warning disable 1786
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#endif // _MSC_VER

#endif // __INTEL_COMPILER

#include "singleLinkList.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void cleanInputBuffer(void) {
    char c;
    do {
        scanf("%c", &c);
    } while (c != '\n');

void fill_avail_memory(void) {
    size_t count = 0;
    LS_p list = NULL;
    size_t length;
    data_t fin;
    int err = 0;
    const size_t nSize = queryNodeSize();
    printf("nSize: %zu\n", nSize);
    int last = -5;
    printf("Do you wish to run the test that involves filling up available memory? "
        "(only 'y' will be interpreted as an affirmative) => ");
    char ans;
    scanf("%c", &ans);
    if ((ans != 'y') && (ans != 'Y')) {
        printf("Okay. Terminating function...\n");
    printf("Alright! Proceeding...\n");
    list = newList();
    if (list == NULL) {
        printf("Wow, memory allocation failure already. Terminating...\n");
    while (!(last = insertAtStart(list, (data_t)count))) {
    length = len_list(list);
    if (length < 5) {
    fin = indexToData(list, 0, &err);
    printf("Last return value: %d\n", last);
    if (!err) {
        printf("Last inserted value: " DATA_FORM "\n", fin);
    printf("Count, which was incremented on each successfull insert, reached: %zu\n", count);
    printf("Length, which was calculated using len_list, was: %zu\n", length);

int main() {
    printf("Hello world!\n");
    LS_p list = newList();

    printf("Printing the list: "); print_list(list);
    printf("Appending 5, inserting 1987 after it...\n");
    appendToEnd(list, 5);
    insertAfterInd(list, 0, 1987);
    printf("Printing the list: "); print_list(list);
    printf("Inserting 15 after index 0...\n");
    insertAfterInd(list, 0, 15);
    printf("Printing the list: "); print_list(list);
    printf("Appending 45 to the list\n");
    appendToEnd(list, 45);
    printf("Printing the list: "); print_list(list);
    //list = NULL;
    printf("Value of pointer-variable `list` is 0x%p\n", list);
    printf("Destroying list...\n");
    printf("Value of pointer-variable `list` is 0x%p\n", list);


    return 0;

(__INTEL_COMPILER_MSC_VER 的内容是为了压制关于使用 scanf 的废话。

  • 是否可以设置内存使用上限?
  • 如果是这样,它可以是堆与堆栈特定的吗?
  • 如果没有,有没有办法让它只使用物理内存?
  • 如果可以设置内存上限,我应该在哪里设置(在操作系统、编译器选项、链接器选项,甚至其他地方),我该怎么做?

  • 我将从终端编译(而不仅仅是“运行代码”,因为它是一个 Visual Studio 项目)如下:
    cl singleLinkList.c -c
    cl main.c /Zp4 /link singleLinkList.obj

    更新:人们建议了工作对象。这看起来是一个 C++ 的东西。它会在纯C中工作吗? (如果不是,那么虽然可能就足够了,但这并不是我想要/希望的。)


    如果您想在用户/运行时级别执行此操作(并控制正在测试的代码),您可以实现自己的 safe_malloc() , safe_calloc() , safe_realloc() , 和 safe_free()这将充当系统提供的对应物的前端,并会增加或减少 numberOfBytesUsed适本地反击,但如果 numberOfBytesUsed 会失败将变得大于固定的最大值。

    (请注意,由于 free() 不包含免费字节数参数,因此这样做有点棘手,因此您必须在分配的缓冲区中“隐藏”该信息返回safe_calloc() 和 friend 们——通常通过在调用代码请求的内容之上分配额外的 4 个字节,将分配大小值放在分配的前 4 个字节中,然后在分配大小之后返回指向第一个字节的指针 field )

    如果您无法控制正在测试的代码(即该代码将直接调用 malloc()free() 并且您不能重写代码来调用您的函数,那么您可能会做一些讨厌的事情一些预处理器的魔法(例如 #define calloc safe_calloc 在你知道将被包含的头文件中)来欺骗被测试的代码做正确的事情。


    关于c - 如何为您的程序设置内存上限,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61430428/


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