c# - ViewModel在页面上为Null

标签 c# mvvm windows-phone-8

我试图访问我创建的称为TrialViewModel的 View 模型中的属性,该属性将帮助我进行试用应用程序的实现。 TrialViewModel链接到一个名为TrialExperienceHelper.cs的类,其中包含用于购买应用程序,获取试用许可证模式等的方法。当我尝试从我的 View 访问TrialViewModel时,我收到了NullReferenceException,但不确定为什么?


public class TrialViewModel : PropertyChangedNotifier
    #region fields
    private RelayCommand buyCommand;
    #endregion fields

    #region constructors
    public TrialViewModel()
        // Subscribe to the helper class's static LicenseChanged event so that we can re-query its LicenseMode property when it changes.
        TrialExperienceHelper.LicenseChanged += TrialExperienceHelper_LicenseChanged;
    #endregion constructors

    #region properties
    public RelayCommand BuyCommand
            if (this.buyCommand == null)
                // The RelayCommand is constructed with two parameters - the action to perform on invocation,
                // and the condition under which the command can execute. It's important to call RaiseCanExecuteChanged
                // on a command whenever its can-execute condition might have changed. Here, we do that in the TrialExperienceHelper_LicenseChanged
                // event handler.
                this.buyCommand = new RelayCommand(
                    param => TrialExperienceHelper.Buy(),
                    param => TrialExperienceHelper.LicenseMode == TrialExperienceHelper.LicenseModes.Trial);
            return this.buyCommand;

    public string LicenseModeString
            return TrialExperienceHelper.LicenseMode.ToString()/* + ' ' + AppResources.ModeString*/;
    #endregion properties

    #region event handlers
    // Handle TrialExperienceHelper's LicenseChanged event by raising property changed notifications on the
    // properties and commands that 
    internal void TrialExperienceHelper_LicenseChanged()
    #endregion event handlers

public static class TrialExperienceHelper
    #region enums
    /// <summary>
    /// The LicenseModes enumeration describes the mode of a license.
    /// </summary>
    public enum LicenseModes
    #endregion enums

    #region fields
    // Determines how a debug build behaves on launch. This field is set to LicenseModes.Full after simulating a purchase.
    // Calling the Buy method (or navigating away from the app and back) will simulate a purchase.
    internal static LicenseModes simulatedLicMode = LicenseModes.Trial;
#endif // DEBUG
    private static bool isActiveCache;
    private static bool isTrialCache;
    #endregion fields

    #region constructors
    // The static constructor effectively initializes the cache of the state of the license when the app is launched. It also attaches
    // a handler so that we can refresh the cache whenever the license has (potentially) changed.
    static TrialExperienceHelper()
        PhoneApplicationService.Current.Activated += (object sender, ActivatedEventArgs e) => TrialExperienceHelper.
            // In debug configuration, when the user returns to the application we will simulate a purchase.
#else // DEBUG
            // In release configuration, when the user returns to the application we will refresh the cache.
#endif // DEBUG
    #endregion constructors

    #region properties
    /// <summary>
    /// The LicenseMode property combines the active and trial states of the license into a single
    /// enumerated value. In debug configuration, the simulated value is returned. In release configuration,
    /// if the license is active then it is either trial or full. If the license is not active then
    /// it is either missing or revoked.
    /// </summary>
    public static LicenseModes LicenseMode
            return simulatedLicMode;
#else // DEBUG
            if (TrialExperienceHelper.isActiveCache)
                return TrialExperienceHelper.isTrialCache ? LicenseModes.Trial : LicenseModes.Full;
            else // License is inactive.
                return LicenseModes.MissingOrRevoked;
#endif // DEBUG

    /// <summary>
    /// The IsFull property provides a convenient way of checking whether the license is full or not.
    /// </summary>
    public static bool IsFull
            return (TrialExperienceHelper.LicenseMode == LicenseModes.Full);
    #endregion properties

    #region methods
    /// <summary>
    /// The Buy method can be called when the license state is trial. the user is given the opportunity
    /// to buy the app after which, in all configurations, the Activated event is raised, which we handle.
    /// </summary>
    public static void Buy()
        MarketplaceDetailTask marketplaceDetailTask = new MarketplaceDetailTask();
        marketplaceDetailTask.ContentType = MarketplaceContentType.Applications;

    /// <summary>
    /// This method can be called at any time to refresh the values stored in the cache. We re-query the application object
    /// for the current state of the license and cache the fresh values. We also raise the LicenseChanged event.
    /// </summary>
    public static void RefreshCache()
        TrialExperienceHelper.isActiveCache = CurrentApp.LicenseInformation.IsActive;
        TrialExperienceHelper.isTrialCache = CurrentApp.LicenseInformation.IsTrial;

    private static void RaiseLicenseChanged()
        if (TrialExperienceHelper.LicenseChanged != null)

    private static void OnSimulatedPurchase()
        TrialExperienceHelper.simulatedLicMode = LicenseModes.Full;
#endif // DEBUG
    #endregion methods

    #region events
    /// <summary>
    /// The static LicenseChanged event is raised whenever the value of the LicenseMode property has (potentially) changed.
    /// </summary>
    public static event LicenseChangedEventHandler LicenseChanged;
    #endregion events

protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)

        modeTextBlock.Text = TrialViewModel.LicenseModeString;  //NullReferenceException

 private void popupButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        var button = sender as Button;
        string option = button.Name;

        switch (option)
            case "purchaseButton":
                // A command takes a parameter and in this case we can pass null.
                TrialViewModel.BuyCommand.Execute(null); //NullReferenceException                 
            case "cancelButton":
                if (editPagePivotControl != null && editPagePivotControl.SelectedIndex != 0)
                    editPagePivotControl.SelectedIndex = 0;

    private TrialViewModel TrialViewModel
            return this.DataContext as TrialViewModel;




this.DataContext = new TrialViewModel();

关于c# - ViewModel在页面上为Null,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19336719/


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