.net - Winform->WPF MVVM 键绑定(bind)错误?

标签 .net wpf mvvm key-bindings winforms-interop

从 WinForm 应用程序调用 WPF KeyBindings 时,我需要一些帮助。我已经创建了我认为是演示问题的基本部分。如果有帮助,我可以提供一个示例应用程序。

WinForm 应用程序启动一个表单,该表单有一个调用 WPF 的按钮

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    Dim view As New WpfPart.MainWindow
End Sub

使用 WPF View 创建它的 View 模型并设置键控:
<Window x:Class="WpfPart.MainWindow"
    Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
    <vm:MainWindowViewModel />
    <KeyBinding Key="Escape" Command="{Binding OpenCommand}" Modifiers="Control" />


ViewModel 使用 DelagateCommand 希望将所有内容链接起来
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Input;
using WpfPart.Commands;

namespace WpfPart.ViewModels
class MainWindowViewModel
    private readonly ICommand openCommand;

    public MainWindowViewModel()
        openCommand = new DelegateCommand(Open, CanOpenCommand);

    public ICommand OpenCommand { get { return openCommand; } }
    private bool CanOpenCommand(object state)
        return true;

    private void Open(object state)
        MessageBox.Show("OpenCommand executed.");



要使 KeyBinding 工作,您需要将 CommandReference 添加到 Window.Resources,然后从 KeyBinding(而不是 Command)引用 CommandReference。

我还使用 Control-X 来避免在 Windows 中打开映射到 Control-Escape 的“开始”按钮。

这是您可以根据您的问题使用的 XAML:

    <!-- Allows a KeyBinding to be associated with a command defined in the View Model  -->
    <c:CommandReference x:Key="OpenCommandReference" Command="{Binding OpenCommand}" />
    <KeyBinding Key="X" Command="{StaticResource OpenCommandReference}" Modifiers="Control" />

关于.net - Winform->WPF MVVM 键绑定(bind)错误?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3868812/


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