go - 如何在 gorilla Mux的Get Subrouter中将特定中间件用于特定路由

标签 go routes gorilla

我对Gorilla Mux路由有一个特殊的要求,我想为一个子路由器(以我的情况为GET子路由器)下的不同路由添加不同的中间件。以下是我的路由代码:

    // create a serve mux
    sm := mux.NewRouter()

    // register handlers
    postR := sm.Methods(http.MethodPost).Subrouter()
    postR.HandleFunc("/signup", uh.Signup)
    postR.HandleFunc("/login", uh.Login)

    getR := sm.Methods(http.MethodGet).Subrouter()
    getR.HandleFunc("/refresh-token", uh.RefreshToken)
    getR.HandleFunc("/user-profile", uh.GetUserProfile)
在上述路由器逻辑中,我的/refresh-token和/user-profile token 都位于getR路由器下。我也有两个中间件功能,称为ValidateAccessToken和ValidateRefreshToken。我想对“/refresh-token”路由使用ValidateRefreshToken中间件功能,对GET子路由器下的所有其他路由使用ValidateAccessToken。我想用 gorilla 多路复用器路由本身来做到这一点。请为我建议完成上述情况的适当方法。感谢您的时间和精力。



package main

import (

import (

// Adapter is an alias so I dont have to type so much.
type Adapter func(http.Handler) http.Handler

// Adapt takes Handler funcs and chains them to the main handler.
func Adapt(handler http.Handler, adapters ...Adapter) http.Handler {
    // The loop is reversed so the adapters/middleware gets executed in the same
    // order as provided in the array.
    for i := len(adapters); i > 0; i-- {
        handler = adapters[i-1](handler)
    return handler

// RefreshToken is the main handler.
func RefreshToken(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
    res.Write([]byte("hello world"))

// ValidateRefreshToken is the middleware.
func ValidateRefreshToken(hKey string) Adapter {
    return func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
        return http.HandlerFunc(func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
            // Check if a header key exists and has a value
            if value := req.Header.Get(hKey); value == "" {
                res.Write([]byte("invalid request token"))

            // Serve the next handler
            next.ServeHTTP(res, req)

// MethodLogger logs the method of the request.
func MethodLogger() Adapter {
    return func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
        return http.HandlerFunc(func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
            log.Printf("method=%s uri=%s\n", req.Method, req.RequestURI)
            next.ServeHTTP(res, req)

func main() {
    sm := mux.NewRouter()
    getR := sm.Methods(http.MethodGet).Subrouter()
    getR.HandleFunc("/refresh-token", Adapt(

    srv := &http.Server{
        Handler:      sm,
        Addr:         "localhost:8888",
        WriteTimeout: 30 * time.Second,
        ReadTimeout:  30 * time.Second,

关于go - 如何在 gorilla Mux的Get Subrouter中将特定中间件用于特定路由,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64768950/


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