linux - 验证文件仅在两次提交之间的末尾被修改

标签 linux git gitlab

我可以使用哪个linux命令来验证两次git commit之间的文件仅在最后修改?




# Create a file which is a version of your file of interest before last commit

git --no-pager show HEAD~:<file> > original

# Get the number of lines for that file and call it n:

n=$(cat original | wc -l)

# Test whether the last commit modified the file other than
# by adding content at the end

[[ "$(diff <(cat original) <(head -$n <file>))" == "" ]]

# Finally, clean up by deleting the temp file:

rm original

# Create a file which is a version of your file of interest at the first commit
# you care about (using its hash):

git --no-pager show <hash1>:<file> > original

# Create a file which is a version of your file of interest at the second commit
# you care about (using its hash):

git --no-pager show <hash2>:<file> > next

# Get the number of lines for the first of these files and call it n:

n=$(cat original | wc -l)

# Test whether the commit with hash2 modified the file other
# than by adding content at the end

[[ "$(diff <(cat original) <(head -$n next))" == "" ]]

# Finally, clean up by deleting the 2 temp files:

rm original next
function check {
    local n
    git --no-pager show "$2":"$1" > original
    git --no-pager show "$3":"$1" > next
    n=$(cat original | wc -l)
    [[ "$(diff <(cat original) <(head -$n next))" == "" ]]
    rm original next
check <file-path> <commit-hash1> <commit-hash2>

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