python - Django 中何时使用语言环境名称和语言代码?

标签 python django localization internationalization django-i18n

根据 Django Documentation :

locale name

A locale name, either a language specification of the form ll or a combined language and country specification of the form ll_CC. Examples: it, de_AT, es, pt_BR. The language part is always in lower case and the country part in upper case. The separator is an underscore.

language code

Represents the name of a language. Browsers send the names of the languages they accept in the Accept-Language HTTP header using this format. Examples: it, de-at, es, pt-br. Language codes are generally represented in lower-case, but the HTTP Accept-Language header is case-insensitive. The separator is a dash.

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    setlocale(3) 可以理解区域设置代码调用和配置几种众所周知的格式的本地化,例如日期、时间和货币以及错误消息的语言。可用的语言环境取决于平台和系统。
    举个例子:Django 根据 Accept-Language header 设置语言,它使用语言代码格式,然后为应用程序设置相应的语言环境,从而选择与语言代码对应的语言环境代码。
    因此可以肯定地说“语言代码是语言环境代码的序列化格式”:nl_NL.ISO-8859-15序列化为 Accept-language: nl-NL + Accept-Charset: iso-8859-15 .重要的部分是在正确的情况下使用正确的形式,但 es 的含义总是 Spanish ,不管出身。

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