php - 在特定条件下重做最后一个 foreach 循环命令

标签 php web-services loops foreach error-handling

我们正在向网络服务发出 1000 次请求。每次我们发出请求时,我们都希望得到响应,但有时 Web 服务会失败并且不提供响应。发生这种情况时,我们希望休眠 30 秒,然后在它失败的最后一点重新运行该循环。如何才能做到这一点?


foreach ( $objects as $object ) {
    foreach ( $otherObjects as $otherObject ) {

        //Prepare request data from $object and $otherObjects

        //Send request to webservice using cURL

        //Receive response and check to see if success
        if ( isset( $response ) ) {
            //Save response to database
        } else {
            //Not successful. Sleep for 30 seconds. Send request again up to 3 times. If ultimately successful continue, if not break and alert system admin.



foreach ( $objects as $object ) {
    foreach ( $otherObjects as $otherObject ) {
        $tries = 0;
        //Receive response and check to see if success.
        while( ($response = doRequest($object, $otherObject)) === false && $tries < 3) {
            //Not successful. Sleep for 30 seconds. Send request again up to 3 times.
        if ( $response ) {
            //Successful save response to database.
        } else {
            //Not successful break and alert system admin.

function doRequest($object, $otherObject) {
    //Prepare request data from $object and $otherObject.
    //Send request to webservice using cURL.

    return $result;

关于php - 在特定条件下重做最后一个 foreach 循环命令,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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